Minutes of the Meeting of June 22, 2005
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Secretary-Treasurer
Mike Sells. President Darrell Chapman was delayed returning from an organizing
meeting in
M/S/C to seat the new
delegates who were present: Chris Dugovich, AFSCME 109, Joyce Peter, AFSCME
113, Robin Windhausen, AFSCME/WFSE 948 were sworn in.
Jeff Wood with the Affinity Lending Group from Homestreet Bank presented Operation Shortfall with a check for $1000 to be used in two $500 grants to assist with home loans. He also gave the delegates an overview of what the Affinity Lending Group offers union members in regards to home loans; for instance, that the fee structure in securing loans is 1/2 of normal rates. For further information contact Jeff Wood at
Secretary-Treasurer Mike Sells gave the Executive Board report and noted that they had met as the COPE Committee and recommendations will be presented under COPE at tonight’s meeting. He also noted the guests attending, and that the correspondence was set out on the tables in the back of the room.
Motions for recommendations for endorsement were presented by the Secretary-Treasurer on behalf of the Executive Board serving as the COPE Committee. They come with an automatic motion and second. The following motions were passed for endorsement by the Snohomish County Labor Council:
In the discussion of the motion, it
was M/S to amend the single endorsement to a dual endorsement with Steve Hobbs.
During the discussion of the dual endorsement it was M/S/C to invite both
candidates to address the delegates. Both Dave Somers and Steve Hobbs addressed
the delegates. The resulting vote on the dual endorsement amendment was passed
with the necessary 2/3rds vote. The dual endorsement for this position will be
voted on at the next meeting.
A second motion was made from the floor:
This motion will also be voted on
at the next meeting of the Snohomish County Labor Council, AFL/CIO
The Secretary-Treasurer reminded
the delegates that all recommendations must pass by a 2/3 majority vote of the
delegates and motions from the floor are discussed and voted on at the next
SCLC meeting.
Puget Sound Labor
Agency/Community Services Committee reports were combined. Suzanne Moreau
reported that the
Organizing Committee Paul Quaintance, UFCW 1105, reported on the Wal Mart campaign and gave updates on the fight to keep it out of Smokey Point, Marysville and other areas in the north sound. He noted that the cooperation between UFCW 1001 and 1105 and Teamsters 38 was making an impact in the community. He also talked about the flyer in the packets which outlined the 250 million dollars that have been spent by government agencies to help Wal Mart employees without healthcare.
Leonard Kelley, Teamsters 38,
reported on the successful organizing drive at Lynnwood Disposal in the
Customer Service Department. He also reported on the overwhelming success at
DHL, an independent carrier in
Contract Negotiations
Toni Bohan, SEIU 925, reported on the ongoing frustrations with the
Monte Turner, AFSCME 113, reported
that his members rejected
Toni Bohan, SEIU 925, presented the following resolution to the delegates. It was M/S/C for passage.
Whereas: Working
people in
Whereas: The attacks on working people are a direct result of the decline in the percentage of workers who have a union - from 1 in 3 when the AFL-CIO was founded 50 years ago to 1 in 12 private sector workers today.
Whereas: If we stay on the current course, the crisis can only get worse. The remaining union members are concentrated in industries that are losing employment, while the rapidly growing service sector is almost entirely non union. With 84 percent of union members concentrated in just 12 states, workers have virtually no union protection in whole regions such as the South and Southwest, which in turn drag down standards for the rest of the country.
Whereas: The unions that form this body are affiliated with international unions that have taken a variety of positions in the debate about how best to respond to the crisis facing working people. However as a local labor movement, we are united behind certain principles:
Therefore be it resolved that:
1. The greatest priority of this body must be to support the strategies of local unions in our communities to unite more workers with our movement. That is the single most important step the labor movement can take to give working people greater strength at the bargaining table, in politics, and at the workplace. This body will develop and carry out an annual strategic plan for that purpose.
2. Candidates for office shall receive the support of this body only if he or she actively works to support the right of working people to join our movement without employer interference.
3. This body will work with all organizations that share our goals, whether or not they are unions and whether or not they are affiliated nationally with the
4. We support the establishment of standards and timetables to ensure that our movement at all levels reflects the diversity and commitment to change for today’s workforce.
5. The affiliates of this body pledge that we will not divide the strength of workers in a particular industry, employer, or craft and will not make agreements with employers that undercut pay and benefit standards won by members of another union.
Suzanne Moreau announced that there were new labor members of the Snohomish County United Way Executive Board. They are Bob Rommel, SPEEA/IFPTE 2001, Ed Triezenberg, Northwest Council of Carpenters, Al Schultz, IAM 751. She also announced that Snohomish County United Way President, Carl Zapora, would be putting together a Labor Roundtable in the near future.
Snohomish County Councilman Dave Gossett announced that the Snohomish County Prescription Drug Cards were now available and that he had brought packets of them for the delegates to take back to their members.
Charlene Rawson, candidate for Everett City Council, Position 2, introduced herself.
Toni Bohan, SEIU 925, announced the
2nd Annual Camano Island Progressive Democrats Labor Day Picnic. The
theme this year is labor history and she said they were looking for any people
who would sing labor songs, tell labor history stories or had labor history
memorabilia. It will be held in the
Travis Patterson, IBEW 191, reported on the efforts to get articles in the local paper. With effort, Local 191, was able to get coverage for Milt Fosters retirement after 18 years as a local labor leader.
Bob James, NALC 751, thanked
Suzanne Moreau, the ETBA, Puget Sound Labor Agency and all the unions and
members who had worked to make this years
Community Services Drawing Winner was Randy Kurtz, AFSCME 948.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Sells, Secretary-Treasurer
From the AFL/CIO
• 6/3/2005 from Mike Cavanaugh, Field Mobilization Director, on Labor in the Pulpits.
• 6/14/2005 from John Sweeney, President on the United Way
From the
• 6/7/2005 Brochure and Registration for WSLC Golf Tournament
• 6/12/2005 Flyers for the
campaign to not sign I -912.
From Officials
• 6/1/2005 Ed Paskovskis, Deputy
Director SEPA on
From Organizations
• 6/3/2005 Change to Win re: AFL-CIO Convention
From Individuals
• A letter from Paul Roberts, Candidate for Everett City Council, Position 1, was read thanking the SCLC for endorsing his candidacy.
AFSCME 109: Chris Dugovich, Roger Moller
AFSCME 109E: Robert Mueller
AFSCME 113: Joyce Peter, Monte Turner
AFSCME 1811:
AFSCME 1811CA: Patty Goins
AFSCME 1811PA: David Kurtz
AFSCME 948: Randy Kurtz, Robin Windhausen
AFSCME 1020:
AFSCME 1355:
AFSCME 2753:
AFSCME 2964:
AFT 772:
AFT 1873:
AFT 4254:
APWU 484:
ATU 883:
ATU 1576: Dick McManus
GCIU 767M:
IAFF 46:
IAFF 1984:
IAFF 2694:
IAM 130: Shawn Unger, David Volkmann
IAM 751A: Bob Neumann, Jason Redrup, Don Shove
IAM 751C: Rod Sigvartson
IAM 751E: Ron Bradley
IAM 751F:Duanne Roope
IATSE 15: John Lammon
IBEW 46:
IBEW 77:
IBEW 89:
IBEW 191: Darrell Chapman, Travis Patterson
IBT 38: Janine Dibble, Samantha Kantak, Leonard Kelley
IBT 174:
IBT 763: Julie Schmitt
ILWU 32:
IUOE 302:
IW 86:
IW 506:
LIUNA 292: Rodolfo Zavala
NALC 791: Bob James
National Writers
OPEIU 277:
Pac NW Newspaper Guild:
SEIU 6: Joan Bethel
SEIU 775:
SEIU 925: Toni Bohan
SEIU 1199NW: Steve Moll
SMIU 66:
SPEEA: Chris Glenn, Mark Moshay, Bob Rommel, David Simpson
UA 26:
UFCW 44:
UFCW 1001:
UFCW 1105: Nancy Holland-Young, Paul Quaintance
AFT 772: Kim Mead
IAM 751C: Hank Getchman
IAM 751F: Jackie Boschok, Judy Neumann
IBEW 77: Peg Chrisman
IBT 38: Tami Brady, Steven Chandler, Chuck Jewell, Barry Lund
LIUNA 292: Rex Martin, Jim Smith
Dave Gossett,
Steven Hobbs,
Suzanne Moreau, PSLA
Luis Moscoso, WPEA/UFCW 365
Charlene Rawson, Candidate for
Julie Sawyer, PSLA
Dave Somers,