Minutes of the Meeting of May 25, 2005
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by President Chapman. Delegates recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as typed and handed out.
None of the new delegates were present.
Secretary-Treasurer Sells presented the report of the Executive Board regarding Convention recommendations. The Board recommended one funded position to be sent to the AFL/CIO Convention, and one unfunded position. For the State Labor Council Convention, they recommended one funded position and two unfunded.
Nominations for AFL/CIO Convention Delegates.
Mike Sells, EEA/UTE 772 was nominated for the funded position. No further nominations were made. It was M/S/C to cast a unanimous ballot
Darrell Chapman, IBEW 191, and Leonard Kelley, Teamsters 38, were nominated for the unfunded position. Delegates were given paper for balloting. The election committee reported that Leonard Kelley, Teamsters 38, was elected to the unfunded position.
Nominations for Washington State Labor Council Convention Delegates
Mike Sells, EEA/UTE 772, was nominated for the funded position. No
further nominations were made. It was M/S/C
to cast a unanimous ballot.
Leonard Kelley, Teamsters 38, and Jackie Boschok, IAM 751F,
were nominated for the unfunded positions. No further nominations were made. It
was M/S/C to cast a unanimous ballot.
AFL-CIO Restructuring
A forum was held to discuss current AFL/CIO restructuring issues. Washington State Labor Council President, Rick Bender and AFSCME Council 2 Government Affairs Director, Pat Thompson outlined the issues for the delegates and what they meant for the future of local Labor Councils. Delegates responded with questions and comments.
Of particular interest were what the various international unions were promoting, and the impact of the possible mergers of local Labor Councils.
Suzanne Moreau, Puget Sound Labor Agency, thanked those that
helped with the
Mark Moshay, SPEEA, thanked the E.T.B.A., Teamsters 38, UFCW 1105, SEIU 925, AFSCME Council 2, the Labor Council, IAM 751 and the Puget Sound Labor Agency staff for the help with providing items for the barbecue this evening.
Leonard Kelley, Teamsters 38, reported that the ‘No on Wal
Mart’ group would be meeting tomorrow evening at the Smokey Point Alfys. He
reported on local informational picketing and that the rally in
Rick Bender, Washington State Labor Council President, thanked all those who had worked in the past election, and reported on the results of the last legislative session. He was pleased with the temporary unemployment compensation fix and apprenticeship utilization.
Allyn Triezenberg, SCLC Administrative Assistant, reported that our e mails will not go through to and addresses. She requested that those delegates with msn or hotmail contact the Labor Council office.
Jim Smith, LIUNA 292, encouraged delegates to report back to their locals on issues brought up at the Labor Council. He also promoted the Radio Labor Journal at KSER 90.7 FM.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM
The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Sells, Secretary-Treasurer
From the AFL/CIO
From Organizations
AFSCME 109: Pat Thompson
AFSCME 1811:
AFSCME 1811PA: David Kurtz
AFSCME 948: Randy Kurtz
AFSCME 1020:
AFSCME 1355:
AFSCME 2753:
AFSCME 2964:
AFT 772: Kim Mead,
AFT 1873:
AFT 4254:
APWU 484:
ATU 883:
ATU 1576:
GCIU 767M:
IAFF 46:
IAFF 1984:
IAFF 2694:
IAM 130: Kyle Kuntz, Shawn Unger
IAM 751A: Bob Neumann, Jason Redrup, Bruce Spalding
IAM 751C:
IAM 751E:
IAM 751F: Jackie Boschok, Duanne Roope
IBEW 46:
IBEW 77:
IBEW 89: Mike Ferrucci
IBEW 191: Jason Armstrong, Darrell Chapman, Robert Ellsworth,
IBT 38: Tami Brady, Steven Chandler, Chuck Jewell, Samantha Kantak, Leonard Kelley,
IBT 174:
IBT 763: Julie Schmitt
IBU/ ILWU: Stuart Downer
ILWU 32: Ron Medcalf
IUOE 302: Jeff Soth
IW 86:
IW 506:
LIUNA 292: Rex Martin, Jim Smith
NALC 791:
National Writers
OPEIU 8: Joe Chartier
OPEIU 277:
Pac NW Newspaper Guild:
SEIU 6: Joan Bethel
SEIU 775:
SEIU 925: Toni Bohan
SEIU 1199NW: Susan Greeley, Jackie McGeachy
SMIU 66:
SPEEA: Chris Glenn, Larry Marrell, Sharon Marrell, Mark Moshay, Bob Rommel, Kurt Schuetz, David Simpson
UA 26:
UFCW 44:
UFCW 1001:
UFCW 1105: Nancy Holland-Young, Paul Quaintance,
Excused Delegates
IAM 751A: Don Shove
IAM 751C: Hank Getchman
IAM 751F: Judy Neumann
IBEW 191: Mike Heins
IBT 38: Janine Dibble, Barry Lund
LIUNA 292: Rodolfo Zavala
SEIU 1199NW: Steve Moll
SMIU 66: Joel Merriam
SPEEA: Steven Bish
UFCW 1001: Charles Primm
UFCW 1105: Arthur Rice, Lynda Rice
UniteHere: Mac Lal
Garth Lvark, IAM 751
Suzanne Moreau, PSLA
William Owens, IAM 130
Sam PeHonen
Dean Running, UBC 562
Ed Triezenberg, Pac NW Regional Council of Carpenters
David Warren, NWWCLC