Minutes 3/27/2019 SICLC Delegates Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by President Jason Redrup. The presidentÕs message was read, and the pledge of allegiance was held.
The minutes from the 2/27/19 meeting was approved.
Michael Schendel, Wash Tech:
Mathew Kirby, IBEW 46:
Paul Galovin, Carpenters Local 70:
The above members were all present and sworn in as delegates to the SICLC.
Suzanne Murphy, SPEEA 2001: was present and sworn in as a newly elected Trustee.
Amanda Gomez, United Way: Reported on the upcoming Youth & Wellness Fair on May 4th and the need for volunteers. Amanda added she has sign up sheets for volunteers for Letter CarrierÕs Food Drive on May 11, as well.
Garth Fell, Snohomish County Elections Manager: Introduced himself, adding that he was a candidate for Snohomish County Auditor. He gave a description of what the auditor does and shared his back ground and why he is running for auditor.
Brian Sullivan, Snohomish County Councilman: Announced that he was running for Snohomish County Treasurer. Brian explained the TreasurerÕs responsibility in County Government. He added that in 1998 he ran for County Treasurer and barely lost but the man he lost to has endorsed him this time around.
Dave Somers, Snohomish County Executive: Reported to the delegates that he and County Councilman Brian Sullivan have been working on a CWA/PLA for the County. Executive Somers stated the County does not have either of these in place and by implementing them it would be a benefit to organized labor and the county. He explained itÕs a two-step process, first he will put it to policy as an Executive order and then Brian Sullivan has volunteered to sponsors it with the County Council and if they pass it, then it becomes law.
Officer Reports
Secretary-Treasurer: Leonard Kelley reported on the postponement of the Organizing class. He added that Trade UP will be held at Marysville High School and we need volunteers for that, and he also gave an update on the Regional apprenticeship pathways program. Secretary-Treasurer Kelley added that the City of Everett asked us to participate in the 4th of July Parade so we will be doing that again and looking for Union members to participate.
Kelley announced that Union Solidarity at the Seattle Storm game at the Everett arena will be June 21st, and he reminded the delegates that next month we will be having our WorkersÕ Memorial at the courthouse prior to the delegates meeting.
New Business
The Executive Board made a recommendation to endorse Brian Sullivan for Snohomish County Treasurer, the recommendation comes with a second. A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Reports of Unions
Suzanne Murphy, SPEEA: Announced they were organizing about 1000 workers in California that used to be employed up here.
Debbie Gath, IBT 38: Announced they were starting negotiations with Grocers in the area and that their members would be wearing buttons. It was asked that when you see them please comment that youÕre happy to shop in a Union store and please avoid the self-check in these stores.
Dan Murphy, WFSE 1020: Announced they have identified 3 finalists for President of Everett Community College. Dan added that when they asked about talking with the finalists on Union issues they were told they didnÕt have time.
Michael Boe, IBT 117: Asked for a moment of silence for a fellow correction officer who lost his life on March 15th.
Gary Kanter, AFM76-493: Stated that his radio show ÒWe Do the Work,Ó is looking for stories to share.
Polagaya Mclaughlin, AFSCME 109: Said that they were close to have a contract at the airport.
The Meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Leonard Kelley
Steve Kofahl, AFGE 3937
Gary Kanter, AFM 76-493
Polagaya McLaughlin, AFSCME 109
Angela Guadamuz, AFSCME 1811CA
Terry VanWyck, AFSCME 1811CA (Excused)
Tyler Verda, AFSCME 1811CA
Steve Nelson, AFSCME 1020
Eric Wiseman, AFSCME 1020
John Sainz, ATU 1576
Joel Hetland, IAM 751A
Wes Heard, IAM 751A
Steven Morrison, IAM 751A
Paul Schubert, IAM 751A
Michael Hill, IAM 751C
Gary Naple, IAM 751C (Excused)
Denise Strike, IAM 751F
Shane VanPelt, IAM 751F
Kai Fuller, IATSE 793
Christine Reid, IBEW 77
Teresa Johnson, IBEW 89 (Excused)
Karen Tegard, IBEW 89
Damien Fisher, IBEW 191
Dan Verda, IBEW 191
Christian Eaglehead, IBEW 191
Gary Kemp, IBEW 191
Debbie Gath, IBT 38
Leonard Kelley, IBT 38
Wendy Garrett-Drake, IBT 38
Michael Boe, IBT 117
Debi Humann, IBT 763
Al Cummins, IUOE 302
Rick Cunningham, IUOE 302
Tony Zempel, IUOE 302
Robert Rahkonen, IUPAT DC 5
Chris Glenn, LIUNA 292
Doug Scott, LIUNA 292 (Excused)
Mike Llewellyn, LIUNA 292
Larry Montgomery, LIUNA 292
Bob James, NALC 791
Nallely Flores, OPEIU 8 (Excused)
Mary Maloy, OPEIU 8
Nancy Nickles, OPCMIA 528
Justin Palachuck, OPCMIA 528
Bob Foster, OPCMIA 528
Jordan Russeff, OPCMIA 528
Joseph Neff, OPCMIA 528
Steve Peloquin, OPCMIA 528
Kathy Pierson, PTE 17
Cynthia Robson, SEIU 1199NW
Hannah Fishman, SEIU 1199NW
Susanne Murphy, SPEEA
Kurt Schuetz, SPEEA (Excused)
Nikolas Geiselman, SPEEA (Excused)
Stacy Eaglehead, IBEW 191
Michael Schendel, WASHTECH
Garth Fell, Candidate for County Auditor
Dave Somers, Snohomish County Executive
Matthew Kirby, IBEW 46
Paul Galovin, UBC 70
Amanda Gomez, United Way