Minutes of 1/27/2021 SICLC Delegates Meeting


The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM by President Jason Redrup.


The pledge of allegiance was conducted, and the President’s Message was read.




A motion was made to accept the minutes from the December 2020 meeting, the motion passed.




The following people were present and sworn in:


            Michelle Hetzel, AFSCME 948

            Debby Lippincott, RPEC #6




Monica Chilton: Chair of Snohomish County Democrats: Monica came to introduce herself as the newly elected chair and added that she looks forward to working together in the future.




A Group Breakout was held; each group was told to come up with the name of a famous labor leader, each group that guessed the pre-selected name would receive a gift card from QFC.




Officer Reports:


Secretary-Treasurer Kelley asked Anna Melillo to tell a little bit about their local since they were new to the council. Anna, spoke about ballot referendum (Proposition 1) that would merge Arlington Fire Department with North County and why it was important to them and shared information about their fire fighter’s local.


Leonard gave an update on the education committee adding they will be meeting before our next delegate meeting.


New Business


Proposition 1 was discussed as a recommendation from the Executive Board, which comes with a motion and second to endorse.  (Motion Passed to Endorse.)

Senate Bill 5212 was discussed. This bill will allow cardrooms to offer sports betting at their premises. A recommendation from the Executive Board is to support, it comes with a motion and a second. (Motion Passed to Support SB 5212)


Nomination of Officers: Second Round of Open Nominations


            Nominations for Vice President were opened with no further nominations.


            Nominations for Secretary-Treasurer were opened with no further nominations.


            Nominations for Sergeant at Arms was opened with no further nominations.


            Nominations for Trustee #1 was opened with no further nominations.


            Nominations for Trustee #2 was opened:

                                    Christine Reid, IBEW 77 was nominated

                                    Susanne Murphy, SPEEA declined her nomination for re-election


            Nominations for Trustee #6 was opened:

                                    John Dimas, SPEEA was nominated       


Ballot Vote:


Vice President:

                                    Doug Scott, Laborers 292


            Secretary Treasurer:

                                    Leonard Kelley, AFM 76-493


            Sergeant at Arms:

                                    Shane Van Pelt, IAM 751F


            Trustee #1:      

                                    John Traynor, IBEW 191

                                    Brian Johnson, IW 86


            Trustee #2:      

                                    Christine Reid, IBEW 77

                                    Mohammad Khan, SPEEA 2001


            Trustee #6:

                                    Teresa Johnson, IBEW 89

                                    John Dimas, SPEEA



A motion was made to elect all non-opposed positions by acclamation, a voice vote was held and passed electing: Leonard Kelley, Doug Scott, and Shane Van Pelt.

A Poll Vote was held for Trustee #1, Brian Johnson was Elected


A Poll Vote was held for Trustee #2, Christine Reid was Elected.


A Poll Vote was held for Trustee #6, Teresa Johnson was Elected.


All Poll Votes were reviewed by two designated Election Tabulators in person and all votes were verified.  The Designated Tabulators:  Larry Montgomery, LIUNA 292 and Joel Hetland, IAM 751A



Reports of Unions:


David Simpson, SPEEA 2001: announced he is running again for Port Commissioner.


Joel Hetland, IAM 751A: Spoke about the job losses at Boeing


Laurel Blaine, IATSE 15: Asked how the fundraising for the food bank went?  Leonard responded saying we haven’t received all the information from Volunteers of America but should have it next month.


Debbie Gath, IBT 38: Reported that Seattle City Council passed an ordinance for hazard pay for grocery workers, Debbie stated that they are going to start lobbying local city councils to implement hazard pay here in Snohomish County.


Teresa Johnson, IBEW 89:  Shared that she has been appointed to the Everett Public Facilities District Board




 64 participants tonight.



The meeting was adjourned at 7:12PM


Respectfully submitted.


Leonard Kelley










Ralph Knutson, RPEC 6                                                              Lloyd Catlin, IAM 751F

Gabrielle Hanley,                                                                       Jason Redrup, IAM 751A

Stacy Martin, LIUNA 292                                                            Polagaya McLaughlin, AFSCME 109

Stasia Porter, IBT 38                                                                  Kristin Rohrenbach, CWA 37083

Gary Naple, IAM 751C                                                               Wes Heard, IAM 751A

Riaz Khan, SPEEA 2001                                                              Shane Van Pelt, IAM 751F

Joey Neff, OPCMIA 528                                                             Al Cummins, IUOE 302

Mitchell Christian, IAM 751F                                                      Monica Chilton - Guest

Tony Zempel, IUOE 302                                                             John Klosterman, IBT 38

Steve Peloquin, OPCMIA 528                                                     Tara McIntosh, OPEIU 8

Anthony Cantu, UFCW 21                                                          Mark Clark, IAM 751A

Debby Lippincott, RPEC 6                                                          Evan Wipf, SPEEA 2001

Angela Guadamuz, AFSCME 1811 CA                                          Debbie Gath, IBT 38

Caprii Nakihei, IBT 38                                                                John Dimas, SPEEA 2001

Brian Butler, IAM 751A                                                              Doug Scott, LIUNA 292

Anna Melillo, IAFF                                                                     Gary Kanter, AFM 76-493

Sobia Sheikh, Pilchuck UniServ                                                   Leonard Kelley, AFM 76-493

Dan Verda, IBEW 191                                                                Joel Hetland, IAM 751A

Joe Ruth, IAM 751C                                                                   Kurt Hilt, IAFF 1828      

Ryan Johnson, IBT 38                                                                 Charlotte Murry, LIUNA 1239

Michael Boe, IBT 117                                                                 Larry Montgomery, LIUNA 292  

Fred Soto, IAM 751F

Gunnar Birkeland, IBT 231

Michael Pena, Pilchuck UniServ

Anthony Thompson, IUPAT D.C. 5

Marisa Powell, UAPD

William Albin, IUOE 302

Fidencio Velasco, UBC 70

Laurel Blaine, IATSE 15

Christine Reid, IBEW 77

Daniel Jones, IBT 38

Jeff Forbes, SPEEA 2001

David Simpson, SPEEA 2001

Billy Wallace, LIUNA 292

Bryan Johnson, IW 86

Robert James, NALC 791

Wendy Garrett-Drake, IBT 38

Adrian Noel, UFCW 21

John Traynor, IBEW 191

Mike Llewellyn, LIUNA 292

Michael Hill, IAM 751C

John Lehman, UBC 70

Steve Kofahl, AFGE 3937

Teresa Johnson, IBEW 89