Snohomish County Labor Council

Minutes of the Meeting of March 24, 2010


The meeting was called to order at 6:02 PM by President Chapman. The flag salute and the reading of the meeting purpose followed. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.





M/S/C to seat the new delegates who were present. Allen C. Neph, Brent Sanchez and Teresa Potter were present and sworn in.




  Leonard Kelley, IBT 231, presented a program on the use of the information in the Department of Labor reports LM10 and LM20’s that are required to be filed by companies and labor union avoidance consultants. He noted that if information could not be found quite often it meant that it had not been filed. It is up to unions to contact the Department of Labor to request enforcement. Requests for enforcement can go back 5 years.




  Secretary-Treasurer Sells reported that the Board recommended support for a Yes vote on the Everett Medic One, Proposition 1 levy on April 27th. Bob Downey, former Firefighter 46 President discussed the proposition and noted how I-747 had undercut the levy over the last several years. It is for emergency response assistance. It was M/S/C to endorse the Everett Medic One Prop. 1 Levy.

  The COPE Candidate Screening Committee process was outlined by the Secretary-Treasurer.

   He also referred delegates to health care information contained in their packets concerning the new national legislation.




   Toni Bohan, SEIU 925, Trustee 1 and Randy Kurtz, AFSCME 948, Trustee 4 were sworn in to their two year officer terms for 2010-11.




Organizing Reports: Toni Bohan, SEIU 925, requested an update on information regarding organizing at AT&T Wireless.

  Jason Redrup, IAM 751A, reported that with the merger of Northwest Airlines and Delta an important vote for union representation was coming up. Delta is non-union at this time, and they are working hard because the way labor law works, a person not voting is automatically counted a no vote.

  Leonard Kelley, IBT 231 reported on the three local campaign for Lincare drivers. The CEO makes $14 million.

  Jackie Boschok, IAM 751F reported on the new Sunrise Dental contract that the owner helped to organize. She also discussed elections lost on military contracts at Fort Lewis/McChord Air Base.

  Randy Kurtz, AFSCME 948, praised Sunrise Dental, but noted that under their Public Employees Benefit Board only two plans have been allowed. They are trying to get that changed.

  Darrell Chapman, IBEW 191, talked about the challenge from large, out of state non-union electrical contractors. They are working on organizing the companies.


Contract Negotiations: Rick Jurkovic, ATU 1576 reported on the new contract at Pierce Transit that they have completed. It is a three year agreement.


Other Local Activity: Bob Rommel, SPEEA reported on their upcoming food drive.

  Jackie Boschok, IAM 751F, noted that the Machinists would also be doing a food drive. She also reported that Machinists 751 would be doing their 75th Anniversary event this year



  Rep. Mike Sells, D, 38th District gave an update on the current state of the budget and revenue. The legislature is still in session trying to resolve differences between the House and Senate.

  Brent McFarlane, SPEEA, introduced himself to the body.

  Luis Moscoso, Candidate for 1st Legislative District, reported that he would be running for office. He is a retired member of the WPEA, and he hoped that he was the only labor candidate in the race.

  Suzanne Moreau, Puget Sound Labor Agency, thanked the Laborers for a $5,000 donation to the Feinstein Grant, a matching grant for food banks. AWPPW received the United Way Spirit of Labor Award this year. Area Locals were congratulated for helping the family of the murdered Seattle police officer with some necessary housing needs. She introduced the new Executive Director of the PSLA, Steve Fox. He has been a member of the Board for over 15 years, and formerly owned an area Saturn dealership.   He spoke on the need to increase the amount collected in the food drives, particularly with the high levels of unemployment in the construction trades. He thanked Suzanne for her work. He also discussed helping to organize the ramp programs.

  Toni Bohan, SEIU 925, announced that work on the Workers Memorial was moving ahead for this year. It will be on April 28th.

  Jim Smith, Radio Labor Journal, KSER FM 90.5 stated he was looking for further ideas for the program, and asked delegates to support the KSER membership drive.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:12 PM


Respectfully submitted,



Mike Sells, Secretary-Treasurer





AFSCME 109S: No Delegate


AFSCME 1811:


AFSCME 1811CA: Terry VanWyck


AFSCME 1811JS: No Delegate


AFSCME 1811S: No Delegate

AFSCME 881: No Delegate

AFSCME 948: Randy Kurtz, Theresa Potter

AFSCME 1020: Eric Wiseman

AFSCME 2753: No Delegate

AFSCME 2964: No Delegate

AFT 772: Mike Sells

AFT 1873: Steven Horn

APWU 484: No Delegate

ATU 883: Keith Jacobson

ATU 1576: Christine Brydges, Rick Jurkovic

AWPPW 183:

AWPPW 644: No Delegate

GCIU 767M:

IAFF 46:

IAFF 1984: No Delegate

IAFF 2694: No Delegate

IAM 130:

IAM 751A: Allen Neph, Brent Sanchez, Jason Redrup, Don Shove

IAM 751C:

IAM 751E:

IAM 751F: Jackie Boshok, Garth Luark


IBEW 46:

IBEW 77:

IBEW 89:

IBEW 191: Darrell Chapman

IBT 38: Janine Dibble, Rick Olson

IBT 174:

IBT 231: Leonard Kelley

IBT 763:

IBU/ ILWU: David McKenzie

IFPTE 17: Geoffrey Crofoot

ILWU 32:

IUOE 302: No Delegate


IW 86:

LIUNA 292: Doug Scott

NALC 791:


OPEIU 277:

Pac NW Newspaper Guild:


Plumbers and Pipefitters 26: No Delegate


SEIU 925: Toni Bohan, Donna Chrisman

SEIU 1199NW:

SMIU 66:

SPEEA: Lynn Burow, Sandy Hastings, James Gillan, Chris Glenn, Bob Rommel,  David Simpson

UBC 562:

UFCW 141, USNU: No Delegate

UniteHere: No Delegate

Wash Tech / CWA:


Excused Absences

AFSCME 1811CA: Patty Goins, Gloria Parker

LIUNA 292: Dan Christofferson

UBC 562: Ed Triezenberg



Juan Cruz, LIUNA 292

Bob Downey, Everett Fire Department

Steve Fox, Director PSLA

Janice Herrera, OPEIU 8

Leon Herrera, NPMHU 316

Brent McFarlane, IFPTE 2001

Suzanne Moreau, PSLA

Luis Moscoso, Retired ATU/UFCW

Lori Province, WSLC