The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM by President
Chapman followed by the Flag salute and reading of the meeting purpose. The
minutes of the previous meeting were approved as corrected: Under reports of
unions, Phedra Quincey represented WFSE 1020, not 948.
None of the new delegates were present, and action to seat them was not
Ryan Mattfeld of the Dispute Resolution Center of Snohomish and
Secretary Treasurer Sells noted that the Executive Board had met at 8 AM on April 25th. They met with representatives of the Everett Public Finance District and discussed the issues around the We Do Not Patronize request from IATSE 15. As a result, the Secretary-Treasurer, and IATSE 15 representative will be on the agenda of the May PFD meeting. The Board is recommending holding on the resolution until after that meeting.
The Board also discussed outsourcing of Work/Source work to a private contractor by the Workforce Development Council. The Labor Council is in opposition to that action, and presented the following resolution for action.
Whereas, the Workforce Development Council (WDC) has committed to serving Snohomish County providing services through the WorkSource program to assist folks with finding employment that provides a livable wage and benefits; and,
Whereas, the WDC awarded a contract to Arbor, a for-profit organization, which would result in the displacement of employees at Employment Security Department and members of the Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE), AFSCME Council 28, who receive a livable wage and benefits; and,
Whereas, Arbor is a contractor in Southwest Washington and their failure to provide sufficient and satisfactory services in Skamania County led to Skamania County to petition for removal and realignment with counties where Arbor is not a contractor and to the restoration of the office in Stevenson, Washington, and hiring of Employment Security employees to provide services; and,
Whereas, Arbor operates as several entities under different names and is involved in litigation regarding the provision of services and has refused to acknowledge the litigation or discuss their performance issues which caused the litigation; and,
Whereas, there is no evidence of unacceptable performance by Employment Security or employees of Employment Security in providing employment and training services to residents of Snohomish County, nor any showing that any contractor can meet or exceed the current levels of performance by Employment Security; and,
Whereas, the request for proposal failed to require contractors to honor existing collective bargaining agreements and recognize the employeesí rights to collectively bargain; and,
Whereas, the scores awarded to the contractors by the subcommittee reviewing the bids are so inconsistent as to lead a reasonable person to believe that at least two of the reviewers did not understand the process or exhibited a bias against Employment Security and in favor of Arbor; and,
Whereas, no training was provided to the committee in reviewing the RFP process, nor any criteria to determine whether or not the existing contractor should be replaced, nor any consideration given to the existence of a collective bargaining agreement between Employment Security and their employees or rights they have under that contract, the displacement of those workers and the failure of Arbor to honor the existing collective bargaining agreement; and,
Whereas, employees at Employment Security were not allowed to speak to the WDC regarding the work they do and the continuity of their services provided; and,
Whereas, the vote count of the vote conducted on April 17th, 2007, awarding Arbor the contract was in violation of the WDC bylaws and Roberts Rules of Order.
Therefore, be it resolved that the Snohomish County Labor Council stand with WFSE members in condemning the WDCÌs actions in awarding the contract to Arbor; and,
Therefore, be it resolved that the Snohomish County Labor Council stand with WFSE members in encouraging County Executive Aaron Reardon, as Fiscal Officer for the WDC, to not support and to overturn this decision made by the WDC; and,
Therefore, be it resolved that the Snohomish County Labor Council stand with WFSE members to insist the WDC re-do the RFP bid process in a fair and consistent manner and conduct their vote in accordance with their own bylaws and Roberts Rules of Order; and,
Therefore, be it resolved the WDC committee reviewing the RFP
bids obtain appropriate training and recognize employee rights in the process;
Therefore, the WDC
investigate Arbor and the issues surrounding delivery of services, litigation
and the realignment of
Secretary-Treasurer Sells noted that nominations for Sergeant At Arms would be opened at this and the next meeting.
Committee on Political Education interviews of candidates will be held on
May 3rd, all day at the
The motion from the last meeting to endorse Mike Cooper for Snohomish County Council, Pos. 3 was brought to the floor. It was M/S/F to amend to have the action on the endorsement become official after the candidate met with the COPE Screening Committee, and that body took action.
M/S/C to endorse Mike Cooper for Snohomish County Council, Position 3
Community Services
Organizing Committee Jon Holden, IAM 751F, reported on a successful
organizing campaign by the IAM at a Boeing supplier in the
Organizing Reports John Noble, UBC 562, reported on trade show agreements they have worked on. They are leafleting Kirtley-Cole, a non union business doing work for the YMCA. Phedra Quincey, WFSE 1020, reported on the organizing being done by Council 28 of the State Employees on adult family homecare providers. They have had a recent two day training. Darrell Chapman, IBEW 191, reported that the local was picking up a larger number of members due to the boom in construction.
Contract Negotiations
M/S/C to accept the resolution regarding the outsourcing of Employment Security Department work
Several members of AFSCME who work at the Employment Security Department spoke in behalf of the resolution. They are concerned about the quality of work to be done by the outsourced Work/Source programs.
Nominations for Sergeant At Arms was opened and the following nominations were made:
Nominations will again be open at the May meeting. Voting will take place after close of nominations at that meeting.
Puget Sound
A Snohomish County Council resolution declaring May 12, 2007 as Snohomish County Stamp Out Hunger Day was read by the Secretary-Treasurer.
Mark Moshay, SPEEA/IFPTE 2001, reported that over the past year, his local has been working with the South Everett Neighborhood Center (SENC). This non-profit organization provides support for low income families in the community. This is a diverse community including Hispanic, Russian, and Ukranian families. Last summer SPEEA and IAM provided support for the annual Night Out Against Crime block party sponsored by SENC. The director of SENC, Juanita Clifford, said that due to the IAM, SPEEA, and others it was a success. Ms. Clifford asked that Mark present certificates to the following people for their efforts on behalf of the SENC. They were: Jon Holden, IAM 751A; Alan Rice, SPEEA; and Susan Moreau, Puget Sound Labor Agency and her son Stephen. Mark noted that the IAM in particular had numerous volunteers at the event, and he suspected that Jon Holden was singled out as the ÏinstigatorÓ of that effort.
Toni Bohan, SEIU 925, spoke regarding ideas to honor Bob Neumann, IAM 751who had served as our Sgt At Arms until his recent death. M/S/C to form a committee to explore possibilities.
Geoffrey Crofoot, IFPTE 17, Snohomish Health District Chapter, will be
showing photographs for the month of May at ZippyÌs, a small local coffee shop
on Hewitt starting on April 26th.
Mike Cooper, Candidate for Snohomish County Council, Position 3, thanked the
Labor Council for their endorsement. He will be having a kick-off at the
Sonya Kraski, Candidate for Snohomish County Clerk, introduced herself to
the Council. She was an AFSCME member until she moved to a management position
and brings 22 years of experience to the
Ron Ledford, Candidate for Snohomish County Clerk, introduced himself to the Council noting that he is the present Chief Deputy Clerk. He was also a professional court manager for 27 years, and was an AFSCME member before taking a management position.
Jackie Minchew, Candidate for Everett City Council, Position 7, noted that about 35 people came to his kick-off on April 15th. He noted that he had a passion to be a voice for those not currently represented on the city council.
State Representative
The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 PM
Respectfully submitted,
3/30/07 Rick S. Bender, President and Diane McDaniel,
Political Director re: 2007
AFSCME 1811:
AFSCME 1811CA: Gloria Parker
AFSCME 948: Randy Kurtz
AFSCME 1020: Phedra Quincey, Eric Wiseman
AFSCME 1355:
AFSCME 2753:
AFSCME 2964:
AFT 772: Jackie Minchew,
AFT 1873:
AFT 4254:
APWU 484:
ATU 883:
ATU 1576: Christine Bridges
AWPPW 644:ð
GCIU 767M:
IAFF 46:
IAFF 1984:
IAFF 2694:
IAM 130:
IAM 751A: Jason Redrup, Don Shove
IAM 751C:
IAM 751E: Guerdon Ellis
IAM 751F:ð Jackie Boschok, Jonathan Holden
IATSE 15: Bill Wickline
IBEW 46:
IBEW 77: Peg Chrisman
IBEW 89:
IBEW 191: Darrell Chapman
IBT 38:ð Mike Campbell, Janine Dibble, Rick Olson
IBT 174:
IBT 231:
IBT 763:
IBU/ ILWU: David McKenzie
IFPTE 17: Geoffrey Crofoot
ILWU 32:
IUOE 302:
IW 86:
LIUNA 292: Rodolfo Zavala
NALC 791:
OPEIU 277:
Pac NW Newspaper Guild:
SEIU 925: Toni Bohan, Donna Chrisman
SEIU 1199NW:
SMIU 66:
SPEEA: Chris Glenn,
UA 26:
UBC 562: Fred Buhl, John Noble
UFCW 44:
UFCW 21:
Wash Tech / CWA: Curt Eidem
Excused Absences
AFSCME 1811CA: Patty Goins
AFT 772: Jared Kink, Kim Mead
IAM 751A: Tom Plummer
IAM 751C: Mark Blondin, Dave Brueher, Hak Getchman, Gregory Powell, Rod Sigvartson
IAM 751E: Ron Bradley
IAM 751F: Judy Neumann, Duane Roope, Tina Wilson
IBT 231: Leonard Kelley
LIUNA 292:ð Jim Smith
NALC 791: Bob James
UBC 562: Ed Triezenberg
UFCW 21: Nancy Holland Young
Bev Carlson, WFSE
Nancy Carter, WFSE
Mike Cooper, Candidate for Snohomish County Council, Pos. 3
Bob Doyle, WFSE
Judith Evans, WFSE
Mark Hintz, County Democratic Chair
Peggy Kelsey, WFSE
Sonya Kraski, Candidate for Snohomish
Ron Ledford, Candidate for Snohomish
Ryan Mattfeld,
Suzanne Moreau, PSLA
Linda Rourke, AFSCME
Addley Tole, WFSE
Cheri Wright, AFSCME
Mary Zavala, WFSE