Snohomish County Labor Council
Minutes of the Meeting of January 23, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 6 PM by President Chapman. The Flag salute and reading of the meeting purpose followed. It was M (Eidem, CWA7800) S (Kurtz, AFSCME 948) to approve the minutes as corrected adding Darrell Chapman to the attendance. The motion carried
None of the new delegates were present, so no action was taken on seating them.
Executive Board Report
Secretary-Treasurer Sells reported that there was no quorum for the Board. However, those present heard a request from AFTRA member, John Sandifer for funding in his Labor/Neighbor Radio venture. The Board also heard from Christie Stewart Stein of the Skagit Community Alliance, about starting a similar program in Snohomish County.
The Board members present also discussed schedule and the COPE program. The Board will meet again on February 5th to discuss the COPE Interview process, and meeting times and dates, as well as COPE Committee expansion.
Unfinished Business
Nominations were re-opened for the following officers for two year terms:
President, Trustees 1, 3, 4, 5. No further nominations were made. M (Glenn, SPEEA) S (Rupe, IAM751A) to accept the previous nominations as officers by acclamation. The motion carried. The following people were elected:
Reports of Unions
Organizing Reports—Jackie Boschok, IAM 751F reported on organizing at a repair and overhaul plant that did engine work for Boeing. The company gave a $3.00 an hour raise before the scheduled January 18th petition. She also reported on the organizing committee looking at target areas for education. They will be meeting in March to discuss it further.
Contract Negotiations—Chris Sorenson, PASS, introduced himself and his union which has 11,000 members nationwide. They have 100 members here working at the airport and have been around since 1977. PASS stands for Professional Aviation Safety Specialists. They have been working without a contract since July 2005, with the current contract being held in force. The agency they work for under the Bush administration is hostile to the union. Their job is to keep equipment operating safely at Paine Field. Information on the organization can be seen at
Other Local Activity—Bob Rommel, SPEEA reported they had picked a new Executive Director-Ray Goforth. He formerly worked for IFPTE 17. Jackie Boschok, IAM751F that after AMTRAK clerks merged with the Machinists they had to go to impasse in their efforts to get an agreement with the Federal government. They were able to get a good contract despite having to go to a Presidential Commission for settlement. Ed Triezenberg, UBC 562, reported on problems with a waterfront contract where they filed a complaint and won $800,000 for underpaid workers. He also noted a Labor and Industries complaint against the YMCA for not having prevailing wage paid when using Community, Trade and Economic Development Funds from the state. Labor and Industries sided with the union for back pay.
New Business
Newly elected officers were sworn into office by Vice President Boschok.
Good of the Council
Suzanne Moreau, Snohomish Director of the Puget Sound Labor Agency reported on activity including her work with John Sandifer in being a Labor/Neighbor radio stringer, and the holiday toy drive.
Doug Scott, LIUNA 292, and member representing labor in the recent United way campaign handed out thank you awards for union organizations that have improved their giving. Awards went to: IBEW 191, Carpenters 562, LIUNA 292, and the Northwest Washington Building & Construction Trades Council.
Chris Glenn, SPEEA noted there would be a Community Services meeting before the next Labor Council at 5 PM.
Ed Triezenberg, UBC 562, reported on the condition of Ben Lawver, WSLC staff member who was hospitalized recently for an operation. He is on his way to recovery.
Bruce Zeller of the Department of Labor and Industries brought L&I calendars for delegates and reported that crane operator rule drafts will come out in a month.
Mark Hintz, Chair, Snohomish County Democratic Party invited delegates to the caucuses on Feb. 9th. People can look on to see where caucuses are being held.
Mike Sells, State Rep., 38th District, gave an update on recent legislative activity, including Worker Privacy and a university bill.
Adjourned at 6:52 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Sells, Secretary-Treasurer
AFSCME 109S: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811CA: Gloria Parker
AFSCME 1811JS: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811S: No Delegate
AFSCME 881: No Delegate
AFSCME 948: Randy Kurtz
AFSCME 1020: Eric Wiseman
AFSCME 1355: No Delegate
AFSCME 2753: No Delegate
AFSCME 2964: No Delegate
AFT 772:
AFT 1873:
AFT 4254:
APWU 484: No Delegate
ATU 883:
ATU 1576: Christine Brydges
AWPPW 644: No Delegate
GCIU 767M:
IAFF 46:
IAFF 1984: No Delegate
IAFF 2694: No Delegate
IAM 130:
IAM 751A: Jason Redrup
IAM 751C:
IAM 751E:
IAM 751F: Jackie Boshok, Duanne Roope
IATSE 15: John Lammon
IBEW 46:
IBEW 77:
IBEW 89:
IBEW 191: Jason Armstrong, Darrell Chapman
IBT 38: Tami Brady, Mike Campbell, Janine Dibble, Rick Olson
IBT 174:
IBT 231:
IBT 763:
IBU/ ILWU: Robin Ramsey
ILWU 32:
IUOE 302: No Delegate
IUPAT DC 5: No Delegate
IW 86:
LIUNA 292: Doug Scott , Rudolfo Zavala
NALC 791:
OPEIU 277: No Delegate
Pac NW Newspaper Guild:
PASS: Christian Sorensen
Plumbers and Pipefitters 26:
SEIU 925:
SEIU 1199NW:
SMIU 66:
SPEEA: Chris Glenn, Bob Rommel
UBC 562: Ed Triezenberg
UFCW 44: No Delegate
UFCW 141, USNU: No Delegate
UFCW 21:
UniteHere: No Delegate
Wash Tech / CWA: Curt Eidem, Rennie Sawade
Excused Absences
AFSCME 1811CA: Patty Goins
AFT 772: Kim Mead
IAM 751A: Don Shove
IAM 751C: Hank Getchman
IBEW 77: Peg Chrisman
IBT 231: Leonard Kelley
IBU/ILWU: David McKenzie
SEIU 925: Toni Bohan, Donna Chrisman
Bruce Zeller, Labor and Industries