Snohomish County Labor Council

Minutes of the Meeting of June 29, 2011


  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by President Chapman followed by the flag salute and reading of the meeting purpose. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved with the following corrections: Under Nominations, the word negotiations should be replaced with nominations. Under nominations, the name Jim Gallard should by Jim Gillan.




·      AFSCME 113: Jim Imhof and Dan Packard

·      IAFF 46: John Gage


  None of the delegates were present to be sworn in




Aaron Reardon, Snohomish County Executive, thanked the COPE Committee for its endorsement recommendation. He went on to underscore the importance of Labor and how they are currently being attacked all across the country. He also gave an update on current budget situations.


Tara Goode, Washington State Nurses Association, reported on negotiations at Skagit Valley Hospital. They had over 200 people out at their rally last week, and 400 people showed up at the Board meeting. She felt there was a lot of support from the Labor community.


Jeff Johnson, Washington State Labor CouncilPresident,had just come from the Fair Trade rally in Seattle. He gave a briefing on what happened in the legislature with Workers Comp and the DES bill that does not allow state employees to compete for jobs that are being outsourced. He also reported on a 3 year private fundraising effort for the Labor Research Center at Seattle CC and to help the archives at the University of Washington.




Secretary Treasurer Sells reported on the new guest policy requiring all guests wishing to speak before the SCLC to call in advance so they can be put on the agenda. Unless there is a special presentation, guests will be asked to keep any speaking to 3 minutes. Guest speakers will be included at the beginning of the agenda. At the end of the guest portion of the agenda, all guests will be excused so the delegates can conduct the business portions of the regular meeting. He also discussed the United Way situation, and noted that locals were requested to comment directly to the United Way Executive Director with any concerns regarding a new position that the United Way is creating. The Board voted to donate $200.00 to the Wisconsin AFL/CIO to help fight back on attacks on unions in that state and agreed to grant six months per capita dispensation to AWPPW 183 due to their budget situation.The Board will be working on an October 18th Social Security Event at Everett CC with the Washington Social Security Coalition. The COPE Screening Committee will be interviewing Monroe City Council candidates on July 8th beginning at 9:30 AM. There will be a Labor/Neighbor effort in Monroe in coordination with several Teamster locals after these endorsements are made.

  An update on the recent state legislative session was also given by the Secretary-Treasurer in his capacity as a State Representative from the 38th Legislative District.




Organizing Reports—IAM 751F: Grace Holland reported on organizing in the Kent area. IBEW 191: Darrell Chapman reported on door to door contacts with non-union electricians.


Contract Negotiations—AFSCME 1811CA: Patty Goins reported they are in mediation. They would like the same health care package as that given to the Corrections Guild and the impact of furloughs. She asked for Labor Council support in being treated the same.


Other Local Activity—IAM 751A: Jason Redrup, gave an update on the current court rulings on the NLRB decision with regards to Boeing.




  Nominations were reopened for Vice President. No further nominations were made. It was M/S/C to cast a unanimous ballot for Jason Redrup, IAM 751A for Vice President.

  Nominations were reopened for Trustee #1. RennieSawade, CWA 37083, was added to the nominations. It was M/S/C to close nominations. The chair appointed a Ballot Tally Committee and ballots were passed out and collected. Dan Christofferson, LIUNA was elected on a 16 to 8 vote.




The following COPE endorsement recommendations were presented to the Council and all passed in separate motions:

·      Aaron Reardon, Snohomish County Executive

·      Cindy Portmann, Snohomish County Assessor

·      John Lovick, Snohomish County Sheriff

·      Stephanie Wright, Snohomish County Council, Pos. 3

·      Shannon Affholter, Everett City Council, Pos. 7

·      Lance Norton, Alderwood Water/Wasterwater Commissioner, Pos. 3


  Nominations were opened for Sgt. At Arms. Grace Holland, IAM 751F was nominated. The nominations were be open again at the next meeting.


  Nominations were opened for Washington State Labor Council Convention delegates:

The following delegates were nominated: Leonard Kelley, Teamsters 231 and Mike Sells, AFT 772. It was M/S/C to send the two delegates to the convention.




Delegates—Ed Triezenberg, UBC 70, reported that with the mergers of several locals, they were working with the Labor Center to archive information from those locals. He also reported on upgrades to the Labor Temple. Darrel Chapman, IBEW 191, reported on a Texas texting bill. Brent Sanchez, IAM 751A, discussed the problems with a Wal Mart going into Monroe. A large number of community members oppose it. Chris Glenn, LIUNA, reported on a new company working with Puget Sound Energy that requires safety glasses. Unfortunately, they give employees a voucher for them at Wal Mart.


M/S/C to extend the meeting past 7:30 PM


Community Organizations—Jim Smith, Radio Labor Journal, KSER FM gave an update on upcoming programs and encouraged delegates to listen. Suzanne Moreau, PSLA, talked about the July 27th Turkey Fry fundraiser with Sheriff Lovick as guest cook starting at 4:30 PM. The PSLA will also need help with the Books and Backpacks program in August. They are partnering with COSTCO, Fred Meyer and Boeing.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 PM.


Respectfully submitted,



Mike Sells, Secretary-Treasurer











AFSCME 109E: No Delegate

AFSCME 109S: No Delegate


AFSCME 1811:


AFSCME 1811CA: Patty Goins, Gloria Parker, TerryVanWyck

AFSCME 1811JPD: No Delegate

AFSCME 1811JS: No Delegate


AFSCME 1811S: No Delegate

AFSCME 435: No Delegate

AFSCME 881: No Delegate


AFSCME 1020:

AFSCME 2753: No Delegate

AFSCME 2964: No Delegate

AFT 772: Mike Sells

AFT 1873: Steven Horn

APWU 484: No Delegate

ATU 883: No Delegate

ATU 1576:

AWPPW 183:

AWPPW 644:

GCIU 767M: No Delegate

IAFF 46: Don Schwab

IAFF 1984: No Delegate

IAFF 2694: No Delegate

IAM 130: 

IAM 751A: Jason Redrup, Brent Sanchez

IAM 751C:

IAM 751E:

IAM 751F: Jackie Boschok, Grace Holland


IBEW 46:

IBEW 77: Jackie Rae

IBEW 89:

IBEW 191: Darrell Chapman, Darrel McLaughlin, Darrell Wolk

IBT 38: Janine Dibble

IBT 174: No Delegate

IBT 231:

IBT 763: No Delegate


IFPTE 17: Geoffrey Crofoot

IUOE 302: No Delegate

IUPAT DC 5: Greg Flatmo

IW 86: No Delegate

LIUNA 292: Dan Christofferson, Doug Scott

NALC 791: Bob James

OPEIU 8: Janice Herrera

OPEIU 277: No Delegate

Pac NW Newspaper Guild: No Delegate

Plumbers and Pipefitters 26: No Delegate

SEIU 6: No Delegate

SEIU 925:

SEIU 1199NW: No Delegate

SMIU 66: No Delegate

SPEEA: James Gillan, Bob Rommel

UBC 70: Ed Triezenberg

UFCW 141, USNU: No Delegate

UniteHere: No Delegate

Wash Tech / CWA: RennieSawade


Excused Absences

AFSCME 948: Randy Kurtz

AFT 772: Kim Mead

IBEW 191: Robert DeVelder

IBT 231: Leonard Kelley



Tara Goode, Washington State Nurses Association

Jeff Johnson, President, Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO

Suzanne Moreau, PSLA

Jim Smith, Radio Labor Journal, LIUNA 292