Snohomish County Labor Council, AFL/CIO
Minutes of the Meeting of April 26, 2006
The meeting was called to order at 6:20 PM by President Chapman followed by the Flag salute, and the reading of the meetings purpose. (Delegates had met at 6 PM in front of the Labor Council for a Workers Memorial plaque dedication.) The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as typed and handed out.
IBEW 77 for John Cunningham, Richard Harrell, Jacklyn Rae, Tim Wiese. It was M/S/C to seat the delegate that was present: Jacklyn Rae, IBEW 77 was sworn in.
Steve Hobbs and Lillian Kaufer, Candidates for the 44th District Senate spoke about their campaigns.
Mary Helen Roberts, State Representative, 21st District spoke on her upcoming campaign for re-election. At this time, she does not have an opponent.
4/26/06 U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell in support of the Workers Memorial Commemoration.
The Secretary-Treasurer reported on the actions of the COPE Committee which would be taken up under the COPE part of the agenda. Recommendations from the committee come to the body with a motion and second for action.
The Executive Board met and also passed a resolution calling for withdrawal from the Snohomish County Workforce Development Board. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined the concerns from the Department of Labor audit and the Department of Employment Securitythat have been sent out. It was M/S/C to approve the following resolution:
Concerning Disaffiliation
With the
Snohomish County
Workforce Development Council
Whereas: The
Snohomish County Workforce Development Council (SCWDC) is the certified agency
charged with coordinating and administering all State
and Federal Employment and Training programs in Snohomish County, and
Whereas: Recent
audits of the SCWDC by Washington State Employment Security and the Federal
Dept of Labor have exposed a number of serious financial improprieties at the
SCWDC, and
Whereas: There
is an ongoing lawsuit by a former SCWDC employee who sought ³whistleblower²
protection and claims to have been fired in retaliation for exposing fraudulent
financial practices, and
Whereas: The CEO and
Chair of the SCWDC have a history of withholding vital decision making information
from SCWDC partners, and
Whereas: The
governance of the SCWDC was recently restructured in a manner that appears to
further limit board oversight of financial activity, and
Whereas: The Snohomish County Labor Council has a long history of advocacy for quality and responsible employment and training programs in our community, and
Whereas: We believe that employment and training programs in our community are not well served by the current leadership at the SCWDC.
Therefore be it
Resolved: That the Snohomish County Labor Council ceases its affiliation with the SCWDC until satisfactory governance structures are instituted and positive leadership changes are made, and Further be it
Resolved: That the Snohomish County Labor Council forward a copy of this resolution to organizations that participate in, or have oversight of, the SCWDC, with a request that they assist in achieving a satisfactory resolution to the issues herein raised.
The Board is moving ahead with web site redevelopment, and discussing better ways to communicate to affiliates and delegates through the e mail. E mail, because of various spam filters has become increasingly difficult to use with any reliability.
The Board also is recommending to the Council that the President, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer attend the WSLC COPE Convention as the 3 delegates from the Council. M/S/C to approve the recommendation.
The Board also discussed Solidarity Night at the Aqua Sox, the Workers Memorial, and acted to send a letter to the Governor recommending Reid Shockey for the new Regional Transportation Board.
Community Services
Chris Glenn, SPEEA 2001, encouraged support for the Letter Carriers Food Drive
Organizing Committee
Leonard Kelley IBT 38, reported on the multi-union education campaign which the Labor Council is embarking upon. The first area being targeted is a business park. Delegates were asked to sign up to help. The committee has developed a budget of $1,500 which will cover printing and giveaways. He also updated the delegates on the Wal Mart activities in the county. Wal Mart has put out a mailer in the Mill Creek area asking for support. The Arlington Wal Mart is currently in limbo where decisions are being appealed, as they are in Marysville.
A web site on the Mill Creek Wal Mart has been set up at
Nominations were re-opened for filling out the remainder of the Trustee 4 position vacated when Dave Kurtz was named to the Superior Court bench. No further nominations were made.
Leonard Kelley, IBT 38, reported on the Durham Bus company organizing. The company has been harassing employees that are interested in joining a union. The Everett School District, which has a contract with Durham, has indicated that they do not want to get involved in the issues regarding Durham.
Jon Holden, IAM 751, reported on organizing at a plant in Auburn where union activists have been fired. He reemphasized why we need an employee free choice act.
Contract Negotiations
Randy Kurtz, WFSE 948, updated delegates on negotiations with the State. They are seeking support in asking for a fair contract.
Other Activities
John Noble, UBC 562, reported that they have an agreement with the Marysville School District regarding apprenticeship utilization on construction.
Dean Running, UBC 562, thanked the Council for the Workers Memorial plaque. He also thanked Toni Bohan, Worker Memorial Chair and Allyn Triezenberg, SCLC staff, for their work on the project. He noted that the ETBA, of which he is President, will be doing some building upgrades with flooring and furnishings. He also noted that Carpenters Local 562 is celebrating its 106th Anniversary.
Bob Rommel, SPEEA, noted that Everett site employees are being encouraged to participate in United Way.
Ed Triezenberg, UBC 562, noted that he and Allyn Triezenberg laid a companion wreath to the one at the Labor Temple out at the County Courthouse at the Workers Memorial.
The following actions were taken on the 2006 elections.
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of Maria Cantwell for U.S. Senate.
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of Jay Inslee for U.S. House of
Representatives, District 1
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of Rick Larsen for U.S. House of
Representatives, District 2
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of Al O¹Brien for State House of
Representatives, District 1, Position 1
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of Mark Ericks for State House of
Representatives, District 1, Position 2
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of Paull Shin for State Senate,
District 21
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of Mary Helen Roberts for State House
of Representatives, District 21, Position 1
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of Brian Sullivan for State House of
Representatives, District 21, Position 2
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of Darlene Fairley for State Senate,
District 32
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of Maralyn Chase for the State House
of Representatives, District 32, Position 1
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of Ruth Kagi for the State House of
Representatives, District 32, Position 2
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of Jean Berkey for the State Senate,
District 38
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of John McCoy for the State House of
Representatives, District 38, Position 1
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of Mike Sells for the State House of
Representatives, District 38, Position 2
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of Steve Hobbs for the State Senate,
District 44
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of Hans Dunshee for the State House
of Representatives, District 44, Position 1
to recommend to the WSLC, the endorsement of John Lovick for the State House of
Representatives, District 44, Position 2
to endorse Dave Kurtz for Superior Court Judge
to recommend to the WSLC the endorsement of the NO position on Initiative 933.
Puget Sound Labor Agency Report: Suzanne Moreau, Snohomish County Director encouraged support for the Letter Carriers Food Drive. Volunteers are needed for the event. In particular, help is needed for rural areas to do pick up and delivery,
Dave Kurtz, Candidate for Superior Court Judge, thanked the Council for its endorsement. He noted that the primary can mean everything. If a candidate gets over 50% of the primary vote, they win the race.
D.J. Wilson, AFT 4254 reported on his community TV program. He has been interviewing local leaders, and is interested in expanding it to union leaders.
Pat Thompson, AFSCME 109E gave an update on the county clerks situation which was noted in the press.
Mark Moshay, SPEEA 2001, promoted Grays Harbor Stamp Works.
Jim Smith, Laborers 292, promoted the Radio Labor Journal.
Mark Hintz, Chair of the Snohomish County Democrats invited delegates to attend a Governor Gregoire event at Snohomish High School on April 28th at 9 AM.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Sells, Secretary-Treasurer
AFSCME 109: Pat Thompson
AFSCME 113: Cameron Johnson
AFSCME 1811:
AFSCME 948: Cindy Hallstrom, Randy Kurtz, Robin Windhausen
AFSCME 1020: Eric Wiseman
AFSCME 1355:
AFSCME 2753:
AFSCME 2964:
AFT 772: Jackie Minchew, Mike Sells
AFT 1873:
AFT 4254: D. J. Wilson
APWU 484:
ATU 883:
ATU 1576:
GCIU 767M:
IAFF 46:
IAFF 1984:
IAFF 2694:
IAM 130:
IAM 751A: Jason Redrup, Don Shove
IAM 751C:
IAM 751E: Ron Bradley
IAM 751F: Jackie Boschok, Jonathan Holden, Garth Luark, Duanne Roope
IBEW 46:
IBEW 77: Peg Chrisman, Jackie Rae
IBEW 89:
IBEW 191: Darrell Chapman, Travis Patterson
IBT 38: Janine Dibble, Leonard Kelley, Rick Olson
IBT 174:
IBT 763:
ILWU 32: Ron Medcalf
IUOE 302:
IW 86:
IW 506:
LIUNA 292: Rex Martin, Jim Smith, Rodolfo Zavala
NALC 791: Bob James
OPEIU 277:
Pac NW Newspaper Guild:
SEIU 775:
SEIU 925: Toni Bohan
SEIU 1199NW:
SMIU 66:
SPEEA: Chris Glenn, Mark Moshay, Bob Rommel, Kurt Schuetz
UA 26:
UBC 562: Fred Buhl, John Noble, Dean Running, Don Sorenson, Ed Triezenberg
UFCW 44:
UFCW 21:
AFT 772: Kim Mead
IAM 751A: Bob Neumann
IAM 751C: Mark Blondin, Hank Getchman
IAM 751F: Judy Neumann
IATSE 15: Bill Wickline
IBT 38: Larry Buoy
SPEEA: David Simpson
UFCW 21: Nancy Holland-Young, Paul Quaintance
Fran Christie, OPEIU 277
Matthew A. Hepner, IBEW 191
Mary Helen Roberts, 21st Leg. Dist. Representative
Sally Hintz, Senator Maria Cantwell¹s Staff
Steve Hobbs, Candidate 44th District Senate
Lillian Kaufer, Candidate 44th District Senate
Dave Kurtz
Suzanne Moreau, PSLA
Mark Soine, Snohomish County Executive¹s Office
Ray Stephanson, Mayor of Everett