Snohomish County Labor Council

Minutes of the Meeting of April 25, 2012


The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by President Chapman. Leonard Kelley, IBT 231, was appointed to the Vice Presidents Chair. Vice President Redrup was serving on the County Salary Commission this evening. The flag salute followed along with the reading of the meeting purpose. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as posted.



AFSCME 109E: Sheryl Barker, Sean Hare, Curtis Jasper, Beverly Riley, Judy Wahl

AFSCME 113: Dan Packard

EEA/UTE 772: Camlynn Tafa

IAFF 46: John Gage

IAM 751A: Lester Mullen

IBEW 89: Teresa Zoellick

OPEIU 8: Tracy Hoffman, Jennifer Moore, John OKeefe

  It was M/S/C to seat those new delegates who were present. Camlynn Tafa, EEA/UTE 772; Lester Mullin, IAM 751A; and Teresa Zoellick, IBEW 89 were sworn in.



  The business meeting was suspended to hear from guests.


Suzan DelBene, Candidate for Congress, 1st District, stated she was running to help bring back a strong middle class. She favors protecting Social Security and Medicare and gave her educational and family background. She will be running against a Tea Party favorite and she ran for the House in the 8th District back in 2010.


Steve Hobbs, Candidate for Congress, 1st District talked about his role as a State Senator in helping to create jobs. He felt he was big on building trades issues. He stated that he is the only candidate that supports the coal train and the long term benefits of building a terminal for shipping coal overseas. He stated it would not only be for shipping coal, but other products as well. He mentioned his support for funding the Public Works Trust Fund.


Kathleen Drew, Candidate for Secretary of State, gave her electoral background as a State Representative in the 5th Leg District. She went over her ideas for electoral reform and expanding voting access.


Mary Helen Roberts, State Representative, 21st District, reported that her main work in the House has been on childrens issues. That is why she is a strong supporter of labor and its efforts to promote family wage jobs. She stated that the greatest problems that children have come from living in poverty.




Sec. Treas. Sells reported that the Executive Board/COPE Screening Committee had met twice for interviews of candidates and were making recommendations that would come to the floor with a motion and second. The motions were for recommendations to the Washington State Labor Council for endorsement on May5th. The following actions took place:


M/S/C to recommend Suzan DelBene for U.S. House, District 1

M/S/C to recommend Rick Larsen for U.S. House, District 2

M/S/C to recommend Jim McDermott for U.S. House, District 7

M/S/C to recommend Kathleen Drew for Secretary of State

M/S/C to recommend Jim McIntire for State Treasurer

M/S/ to recommend Mark Miloscia for State Auditor. M/S to amend to add the name of Craig Pridemore. The motion will be voted on at the May meeting.

M/S/C to recommend to the State Labor Council that Bruce Hilyer, John Ladenburg and Sheryl McCloud were all well qualified to be State Supreme Court Judges.

M/S/C to recommend Rosemary McAuliffe for State Senator, 1st District

M/S/C to recommend Derek Stanford for State Rep. Pos. 1, 1st District

M/S/C to recommend Luis Moscoso for State Rep. Pos. 2, 1st District

M/S/C to recommend Tom Riggs for State Rep. Pos. 2, 10th District

M/S/C to recommend Mary Helen Roberts for State Rep. Pos. 1, 21st District

M/S/C to recommend Marko Liias for State Rep., Pos. 2, 21st District

M/S/C to recommend Cindy Ryu for State Rep., Pos. 1, 32nd District

M/S/F for lack of 2/3 vote to recommend Ruth Kagi for State Rep., Pos. 2, 32nd District

M/S/C to recommend John McCoy for State Rep., Pos. 1, 38th District

M/S/C to recommend Mike Sells for State Rep., Pos. 2, 38th District

M/S/C to recommend Eleanor Walters for State Rep., Pos. 2, 39th District

M/S/C to recommend Hans Dunshee for State Rep., Pos. 1, 44th District


Secretary-Treasurer Sells reported that he had learned from SEIU 1199NW reps this afternoon that they have a candidate they will be supporting in the 44th District, State Rep., Pos. 2 named Mary McNaughton. She is a nurse.


Jeff Johnson, WSLC President reported on the last legislative session and the long battle to get the Jobs Bill passed. It will provide a $1 billion in projects and put thousands to work. He discussed the cutting of pension benefits for state employees which took away early retirement factors. The State Labor Council is planning and working on some events to bring back culture and arts to the labor movement. They are also working with the Library of Congress to save local oral labor history.


Ben Lawver, AFL/CIO Field Representative reported he had been working issues lately in Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin. He reported on the Senate vote on NLRB rules changes. The effort to undercut those rule changes failed.




OrganizingRon Harrell, IAM 160, reported on winning a representation election at Techna in Bellingham. Bob Rommel, SPEEA reported on the election for Boeing Pilots. 84% of those voting had indicated they would do so and followed through. Darrell Chapman, IBEW 191 reported on contacts around the state to non-union households.


Contract NegotiationsRandy Kurtz, AFSCME 948, reported that State Employees would be entering negotiations for a contract that expires in July of 2013. They are currently assessing members. Bob Rommel, SPEEA, reported that negotiations at Boeing would be tough. They have pursued a similar contract extension that the Machinists have. Patty Ceis, ATU 1576 noted the over 40% budget cuts at Community Transit. They are getting ready for bargaining and working with the IAM local at CT in the process. Dan Christofferson, LIUNA 292 reported they were beginning bargaining in Western Washington. Steve Chandler, IBT 38 reported they have settled a good 3 year agreement at Hoglunds. Rick Cunningham, IUOE 302 reported they were going into negotiations with the AGC.



  Nominations were opened for the 3 delegates to the May 5th COPE Convention in Seattle. The following individuals were nominated:

      Mike Sells, EEA/UTE 772

      David McKenzie, IBU

      Eric Wiseman, AFSCME 1020

  Nominations were closed and it was M/S/C to cast a unanimous ballot.



  Sec. Treas. Sells reported on this years Workers Memorial held before the meeting. Jayme Lee Biendl, the Department of Corrections officer murdered at the Monroe Correctional Facility last year was honored. A brick dedicated to her has been added to the monument. He thanked the SCLC Executive Assistant, Allyn Triezenberg, for putting the program together, and those able to attend. Jim Smith, Radio Labor Journal encouraged delegates to contact him regarding programs that could be put on KSER, 90.7 FM


The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 PM


Respectfully submitted,



Mike Sells, Secretary-Treasurer





AFSCME 109: Polagaya McLaughlin


AFSCME 109S: No Delegate

AFSCME 113: Cameron Johnson

AFSCME 1811:



AFSCME 1811JPD: No Delegate

AFSCME 1811JS: No Delegate


AFSCME 1811S: No Delegate

AFSCME 435: No Delegate

AFSCME 881: No Delegate

AFSCME 948: Randy Kurtz

AFSCME 1020: Eric Wiseman

AFSCME 2753: No Delegate

AFSCME 2964: No Delegate

AFT 772: Mike Sells, Camlynn Schuman Tafa

AFT 1873:

APWU 484: No Delegate

ATU 883: No Delegate

ATU 1576: Patty Ceis

GCIU 767M: No Delegate

IAFF 46:

IAFF 1984: No Delegate

IAFF 2694: No Delegate

IAM 130:  Ron Harrell

IAM 751A: Mark Clark, Lester Mullen, Brent Sanchez, Rachel Sarzynski

IAM 751C:

IAM 751E: Guerdon Ellis

IAM 751F:


IBEW 46:

IBEW 77:

IBEW 89: Teresa Zoellick

IBEW 191: Darrell Chapman, Damien Fisher, Devyn Johanson, Darrel McLaughlin, Travis Patterson

IBT 38: Steven Chandler, Janine Dibble

IBT 174: No Delegate

IBT 231: Leonard Kelley

IBT 763: No Delegate

IBU/ ILWU: David McKenzie

IFPTE 17: No Delegate

IUOE 302: Rick Cunningham

IUPAT DC 5: Greg Flatmo

IW 86: No Delegate

LIUNA 292: Dan Christofferson, Chris Glenn, Doug Scott

NALC 791: Bob James


OPEIU 277: No Delegate

Pac NW Newspaper Guild: No Delegate

Plumbers and Pipefitters 26: No Delegate

SEIU 6: No Delegate

SEIU 925: No Delegate

SEIU 1199NW: No Delegate

SMIU 66: No Delegate

SPEEA: Lynn Burow, James Gillan, Bob Rommel, David Simpson

UBC 70: Guy Johnson

UFCW 141, USNU: No Delegate

UniteHere: No Delegate

Wash Tech / CWA:


Excused Absences

IAM 751A: Jason Redrup

IAM 751F: Grace Holland

IBT 231: Rich Ewing

UBC 70: Ed Triezenberg



Kathleen Drew, Candidate for Secretary of State

Suzan DelBene, Candidate for 1st Congressional

Steve Hobbs, Candidate for 1st Congressional

Dayna Lurie, Congressman Jim McDermott

Mary Helen Roberts, 21st District Representative

Patience Sarzynski, IAM 751A

Jim Smith, Radio Labor Journal