Snohomish County Labor Council
Minutes of the Meeting of April 23, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by President Redrup. The flag salute and the reading of the meeting purpose followed. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as sent out to delegates.
á IAFF 46: Jason Brock
á ATU 883: Steve Oss
á IBEW 191: Randall Reynolds
á IBT 117: Terry Hutchins, Darrin Norton
á OPEIU 8: Jennifer Greff, Laura Moreno, Sue OŐConnor Prilliman, Adam Thornton, Addley Tole, Jr.
á SPEEA/IFPTE 2001: Kenneth Ware
None of the new delegates were present to be sworn in
Paulette Avalos, Senior Policy Advisor, GovernorŐs Office introduced herself as the policy advisor for labor issues for Governor Inslee. She made herself available to listen to the concerns delegates may have regarding policy issues.
Richard Wright, Chair, Snohomish County Democrats invited delegates to participate in the party by becoming precinct committee officers. He noted that filing was May 12-16.
Ken Dammand for Initiative 1329 asked delegates to support the initiative to get big money out of politics. It calls for a constitutional amendment allowing the setting of reasonable limits on campaign contributions.
The meeting was adjourned for 5 minutes for delegates to talk with guests.
Secretary-Treasurer/State Officer/Staff Report
Secretary-Treasurer Sells reported on the COPE interview process noting the recommendations for endorsements by the Washington State Labor Council to be voted on under New Business.
Leonard Kelley, Education Committee Chair, spoke on the results of the survey on proposed classes for the delegates and affiliates that was filled out in the last meeting. He mentioned a recent meeting in which the Economic Alliance Chair, Troy McClelland and noted that at the Paris Air Show, vendors did not seem bothered by local wages and benefits.
Nominations for Vice President were re-opened. There were no further nominations made. A tally committee was appointed (Jacklyn Rae, IBEW 77 and Eric Wiseman, WFSE 1020) and ballots were handed out to delegates. The tally committee report was: Leonard Kelley 24, Darrel McLaughlin 3. It was M/S/C to approve the report of the tally committee.
Organizing Reports—ATU 1576, Rick Jurkovich reported on national conference training on building coalitions. They are working on gaining support for getting a transportation bill through Congress.
Contract Negotiations—IBT 117, Michael Boe gave an update on the bargaining with the Department of Corrections and mentioned the memorandum of understanding from the GovernorŐs office for binding arbitration on safety issues. IBEW 77, Nicole Reedy reported that negotiations with the PUD were not going well. The local had already voted down contract offers twice. The contract expired on March 31st. ATU 1576, Rick Jurkovich reported on court cases ruled in the localŐs favor at the Supreme Court of the State of Washington level which involved making the Ňstandard operating proceduresÓ permissive for bargaining. This was a ruling that went through PERC to the courts and took 5 years. SPEEA, John Lynn, reported on the $47 million arbitration award against Boeing that they had won.
Other Local Activities—No new reports
It was M/S/C in separate individual motions for each candidate to recommend the endorsement of the following candidates for 2014 election to the Washington State Labor Council COPE. Motions needed to carry by a 2/3 majority vote.
á U.S. House, District 1: Suzan Del Bene
á U.S. House, District 7: Jim McDermott
á State House, District 1, Pos. 1: Derek Stanford
á State House, District 1, Pos. 2: Luis Moscoso
á State Senate, District 21: Marko Liias
á State House, District 21: Pos. 2: Lillian Ortiz-Self
á State Senate, District 32: Maralyn Chase
á State House, District 32, Pos. 1: Cindy Ryu
á State House, District 32, Pos. 2: Ruth Kagi
á State Senate, District 38: John McCoy
á State House, District 38, Pos. 1: June Robinson
á State House, District 38, Pos. 2: Mike Sells
á State Senate, District 44: Steve Hobbs
á State House, District 44, Pos. 1: Hans Dunshee
á State House, District 44, Pos. 2: Mike Wilson
M/S to recommend to the State Labor Council the endorsement of Rick Larsen for U.S. House, District 2. The motion is held for discussion and action at the next meeting.
Ann Seabott, Wash Tech, reported on the collection of peanut butter for the food banks. The Letter Carriers Food Drive is coming up May 10th and she thanked Chris Kelly and Bob James for all the work they do on it. Delegates were encouraged to volunteer to help with the unloading of the food at post offices as it comes in. Jim Smith, LIUNA 292, updated delegates on the Radio Labor Journal., KSER 90.7 FM.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Sells, Secretary-Treasurer
AFSCME 109S: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811:
AFSCME 1811C: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811CA: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811JPD: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811JS: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811S: No Delegate
AFSCME 435: No Delegate
AFSCME 881: No Delegate
AFSCME 1020: Eric Wiseman
AFSCME 2753: No Delegate
AFSCME 2964: No Delegate
AFT 772: Mike Sells
AFT 1873:
APWU 484: No Delegate
ATU 883: Rick Swartz
ATU 1576: Rick Jurkovic, John Sainz
GCIU 767M: No Delegate
IAFF 46:
IAFF 1828:
IAFF 1984: No Delegate
IAFF 2694: No Delegate
IAFF 3916: No Delegate
IAFF 4118:
IAM 130:
IAM 751A: Mark Clark, Lester Mullen, Jason Redrup
IAM 751C: Rod Sigvartson
IAM 751E:
IAM 751F:
IATSE 15: Tom McConnell
IBEW 46:
IBEW 77: Arlene Cunningham, John Cunningham, Jacob Morgan, Jackie Rae, Nicole Reedy
IBEW 89: Teresa Johnson
IBEW 191:
IBT 38: Leonard Kelley
IBT 117: Michael Boe
IBT 174: No Delegate
IBT 231:
IBT 763: No Delegate
IUOE 302: Rick Cunningham
IUPAT DC 5: Greg Flatmo
IW 86: No Delegate
LIUNA 292: Chris Glenn, Doug Scott, Jim Smith
NALC 791: Bob James, Chris Kelly
Pac NW Newspaper Guild: No Delegate
Plumbers and Pipefitters 26: No Delegate
PTE 17: Kathy Pierson
SEIU 6: No Delegate
SEIU 925: No Delegate
SEIU 1199NW: No Delegate
SMIU 66:
SPEEA: Lynn Burow, John Lynn, Kurt Schuetz,
UBC 70:
UFCW 141, USNU: No Delegate
UniteHere: No Delegate
Wash Tech / CWA: Rennie Sawade, Ann Seabott
Excused Absences
IBEW 191: Darrell Chapman,Darrel McLaughlin
SPEEA: Sandy Hastings, Bob Rommel, David Simpson
UBC 70: Ed Triezenberg
Ken Dammond, WAMEND – Initiative 1329
Victor Harris, Snohomish County Democrats
Richard Wright, Snohomish County Democrats