SCLC Minutes 4/22/2015
The meeting was called to order at 7:00
PM by President Redrup, IAM 751, followed by the flag salute and the reading of
the meeting purpose. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as posted.
Jason Brock; IAFF 46
Terry Hutchins: Darrin Norton: IBT 117
Kenneth Ware: SPEEA
Tammi Brady, John Howell,Jr., Samantha Kantak, Mike
Rraughter: IBT 38
to seat the new delegates that were present. PresidentJason
Redrup asked Jeff Johnson to do the swearing in. John Howell Jr, Samatha Kantak and Mike Raughter were sworn in.
Darby Frye: WSLERC
Spoke about the
Unions 101 class being held at the Labor Temple on June 6th from
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. The class will focus on Labor history and how it
pertains to Labor today.
Terry Ryan: Snohomish County Councilman
Thanked the Labor
Council for their support and how he truly supports Labor and workersÕ issues.
Jeff Johnson: WSLC President
President Johnson
commended the Labor Council for the beautiful ceremony we had for our Workers Memorial
service that was held at 5:00 PM at the Courthouse.
Washington is one of
the top four organized states. He mentioned a conversation that he had with
John Holden, IAM 751F, President IAM 751, about an organizing event that
Snohomish did 10 years ago and what a great experience it was. President Johnson addressed the
importance of organizing and that we need that same spirit today because that
we all are organizers.
He reported on Fast
Track. Fast Track means that congress does not have the opportunity to amend a
trade agreement presented by the President. 350,000 manufacturing jobs have
been lost since the implementation of NAFTA.
The Washington State
legislature has been tough this year, negotiating with the leadership on
transportation, capitol budget and operating budget is not going well.
He gave an update on
the Seeds of Change school which is being held June 1st
– June 4th.
The meeting was suspended for 5 minutes to excuse
the guests and give them an opportunity to leave before the business meeting.
meeting reconvened at 6:38
Secretary Treasurers Report
Secretary-Treasurer Leonard
Kelley introduced Jackie Rae as one of the new District Vice-Presidents to the
WSLC. Jackie said she was honored to have the position and vowed to make sure
Snohomish County had a voice.
Kelley reported on the national conference call for all CLCÕs with AFL-CIO
President Trumka. TPP/ Fast-Track were the main talking points and CLCs were
asked to have members to call their Congressman to oppose Fast Track.
He also reported on
news story about a local company raising its employeesÕ wages from $40,000 to
$70,000 a year and how Rush Limbaugh called itÓ pure unadulterated socialismÓ
and how other ÔconservativesÕ were condemning it. Secretary-Treasurer stated that
the war on workers is real.
Reports of Unions
Debbie Gath,
Teamsters Local 38, Reported that on their lobby day they took 18 local
Teamsters to Olympia, most of them Grocery and Deli clerks and what a positive
and eye opening experience it was for them. They also had 3 bills they
introduced that were passed this year.
Les Mullen, IAM 751A,
reported on Clawback and aerospace accountability
legislation being introduced.
Contract Negotiations
Polagaya McLaughlin,
AFSCME 109E, reported on their current contract negotiations that have been
going on since August and that they are still waiting for a full financial
package proposal.
Greg Flatmo, IUPAT, they are in negotiations with WHISPY and on
FEB, 21st were presented with a last, best and final. IT was
rejected by 98%. Health care is a big issue. ULPÕs have been filed.
Ed Triezenberg, WashTech, (reported for Carpenters 70) that there was a
tentative agreement with the AGC for 9% over 3 years.
Doug Scott, LIUNA
292, reported that they are in negotiations with the AGC.
Rick Cunningham, IUOE
302, reported that they also are in negotiations with AGC.
Ken Fry, IBEW 191,
reported that they were in negotiations with NECA.
Steve Chandler,
Teamsters Local 38. They have opened negotiations with Snohomish County Fire Dist, #7. They recently settled the contract with the SCLC.
Organizing Reports
Daryn Wilbur, Teamsters Local 38, They are making an attempt to organize Smokey Point Concrete
and are working together with the Operating Engineers. They both held a rally
on a recent Saturday morning outside the plant.
Jason Redrup, IAM 751,
reported they have an organizing campaign with a small aerospace company at
Paine field.
Other Local Activities
Old Business
New Business
None to come before the body
Good of the order
Sandy Hastings. SPEEA.
Reported that they were in the process of putting together a local chapter of
CLUW and they will be meeting on the 29th,6:00PM
at Scuttlebutts.
Betty Welsh, United
Way Labor Engagement Manager, WASH Tech, gave an update on the upcoming Letter
Carriers Food Drive to be held this year on May 9th. Last year they gathered over 248,000
pounds of food and that this year are trying to top 250,000. Betty gave an update
on the peanut butter drive. AFSCME 109 has made a donation of $1500.00. Betty
had a peanut butter trivia contest with t-shirts as prizes.
Allyn Triezenberg was
thanked for her hard work preparing the food for the evening.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:12PM
Minutes Submitted by Leonard Kelley, Secretary-Treasurer
AFSCME 109: Polagaya McLaughlin
AFSCME 109S: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811:
AFSCME 1811C: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811CA: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811JPD: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811JS: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811S: No Delegate
AFSCME 435: No Delegate
AFSCME 881: No Delegate
AFSCME 1020:
AFSCME 2753: No Delegate
AFSCME 2964: No Delegate
AFT 772:
AFT 1873:
APWU 484: No Delegate
ATU 883:
ATU 1576: John Sainz
GCIU 767M: No Delegate
IAFF 46:
IAFF 1828:
IAFF 1984: No Delegate
IAFF 2694: No Delegate
IAFF 3916: No Delegate
IAFF 4118:
IAM 130: Ron Harrell
IAM 751A: Jason Redrup
IAM 751C:
IAM 751E:
IAM 751F:
IATSE 15: Tom McConnell
IBEW 46:
IBEW 77: Jackie Rae
IBEW 89:
IBEW 191: Kenneth Frey
IBT 38:,
Steven Chandler, John Howell Jr., Samantha Kantak,
Leonard Kelley, Mike Raughter
IBT 117: Michael Boe
IBT 174: No Delegate
IBT 231:
IBT 763: No Delegate
IUOE 302: Al Cummins, Rick Cunningham, Tony Zempel
IUPAT DC 5: Greg Flatmo
IW 86: No Delegate
LIUNA 292: Chris Glenn, Doug Scott, Jim
NALC 791: Chris Kelly
OPEIU 8: No Delegate
Pac NW Newspaper Guild: No Delegate
Plumbers and Pipefitters 26: No
PTE 17: Kathy Pierson
SEIU 6: No Delegate
SEIU 925: No Delegate
SEIU 1199NW: No Delegate
SMIU 66:
SPEEA: Lynn Burow, James Gillan, Sandy Hastings, John Lynn, Susanne Murphy
UBC 70: John Lehman
UFCW 141, USNU: No Delegate
UniteHere: No Delegate
Wash Tech / CWA: Ed Triezenberg, Betty
Excused Absences
ATU 1576: Rick Jurkovic
IBEW 89: Teresa Johnson
IBT 38: Tammi
NALC 791: Bob James
SPEEA: David Simpson
Darby Frye, Labor Education Research
Debbie Gath, Teamsters Local 38
Victor C. Harris, SCDCC
Jeff Johnson, President Washington
State Labor Council, AFLCIO
Chayenne Ray, Snohomish Health District
Terry Ryan, Snohomish County
Daryn Wilber, Teamsters Local 38