Snohomish County Labor Council
Minutes of Meeting of April 24, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Vice
-President Jason Redrup at 6:00 PM. President Chapman (Personal Reasons) and
Secretary-Treasurer Sells (Legislature still in session) were excused. Leonard
Kelley, Trustee, was asked to sit in for the Secretary – Treasurer and
Bob Rommel, SPEEA, was asked to take the Vice-Presidents place. The flag salute
and reading of meeting purpose following. M/S/C
to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as posted.
á IBT 117: Terry Hutchins
á OPEIU 8: John OÕKeefe
á SPEEA: Marc Murphy
No new delegates were present to be sworn in
Stephanson, Candidate for Everett Mayor (Incumbent), announced that he is running for
re-election. He thanked the following
unions for their support: Machinists 751, Teamsters 38, Carpenters 70, Laborers
292, and the Everett Police Guild. He has worked on making sure tankers and the
787 are built here. Presently he is working on convincing Boeing that the 777
should and can be built here. The Marriot and Farmers Market will be breaking
ground soon and the economy is looking up. He is proud that the City of Everett
has not laid off or furloughed any employees.
Wright, Chair of the Snohomish County Democrats, talked about his work experience as a
Teamster at a grocery store. He talked about more active labor participation in
the party and invited the delegates to join.
Hogan, Congresswoman DelBene staff, introduced himself and said the
Congresswoman and her staff were there to be of assistance.
Smith, Radio Labor Journal,
KSER 90.7 FM. It is on the 3rd Monday of each month. The last
program was on the Gateway Pacific Terminal in Bellingham. Shows can be
accessed at
Somers, Candidate for Snohomish County Council Dist. 5 (Incumbent),spoke about his step-dad who was a Teamster
in the California Bay area and what a tremendous impact that had on his family.
He will always be a union supporter. He is endorsed by Machinists 751,
Carpenters 70, Laborers 292, and County and City Employees Council 2. He is
presently working on multi-use trails and rail connections between Bellevue and
Everett on existing rails.
Ryan, Candidate for Snohomish County Council Dist. 4, announced he was running for the seat
presently held by Dave Gosset (who is term limited).
He is endorsed by County and City Employees Council 2, Machinists 751,
Carpenters 70 and Laborers 292. He is the former mayor of Mill Creek and also
served on the city council. As mayor he took the cityÕs deficit and turned it
into $500,000 reserve. He has doorbelled 4,000 homes.
He believes that respecting employees and treating them as our most valuable
resource is the way to deal with economic development.
At 6:33 PM the meeting was suspended
for guests to leave the room.
The meeting was reconvened at 6:39pm
Organizing—No new reports
Johnson, IBEW 89, they are in negotiations with Frontier and meeting only once
a month the process is slow.
Local Activities—No
new reports
Machinists will hold a car show at the
Everett Machinists Hall on August 17th. All proceeds go to Guide
Dogs of America.
Jim Gillian, SPEEA, spoke to getting
more people to the Workers Memorial ceremony. Suggested to ask the county to
use the parking garage for free.
Ann Seabott, Wash Tech, United Way
Community Services, Thanked the locals who donated funds to purchase the pick-up
bags for the Letter Carriers Food Drive. The bags this year, 240,000 of them,
were $12,000. She reminded the delegates not to forget the food drive on May 11th.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Leonard Kelley, Trustee
AFSCME 109: Polagaya
AFSCME 109S: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811:
AFSCME 1811JPD: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811JS: No Delegate
AFSCME 1811S: No Delegate
AFSCME 435: No Delegate
AFSCME 881: No Delegate
AFSCME 948: Randy Kurtz
AFSCME 1020: Eric Wiseman
AFSCME 2753: No Delegate
AFSCME 2964: No Delegate
AFT 772:
AFT 1873:
APWU 484: No Delegate
ATU 883: No Delegate
ATU 1576:
GCIU 767M: No Delegate
IAFF 46:
IAFF 1828: No Delegate
IAFF 1984:
IAFF 2694: No Delegate
IAM 130: Ron Harrell
IAM 751A: Mark Clark, Lester Mullen, Jason Redrup
IAM 751C:
IAM 751E: Guerdon Ellis
IAM 751F:
IATSE 15: John Lammon
IBEW 46:
IBEW 77:
IBEW 89: Ray Egelhoff,
Teresa Johnson
IBEW 191:Darrel McLaughlin
IBT 38: Janine Dibble, Leonard Kelley
IBT 117:
IBT 174: No Delegate
IBT 231: Rich Ewing
IBT 763: No Delegate
IUOE 302: Rick Cunningham
IUPAT DC 5: Greg Flatmo
IW 86: No Delegate
LIUNA 292: Dan Christofferson, Doug
NALC 791:
Pac NW Newspaper Guild: No Delegate
Plumbers and Pipefitters 26: No
PTE 17: Kathy Pierson
SEIU 6: No Delegate
SEIU 925: No Delegate
SEIU 1199NW: No Delegate
SMIU 66:
SPEEA: James Gillan, Bob Rommel
UBC 70: Guy Johnson
UFCW 141, USNU: No Delegate
UniteHere: No Delegate
Wash Tech / CWA: Ann Seabott
Excused Absences
AFT 772: Mike Sells
IAM 751F: Jackie Boschok
IBEW 191: Darrell Chapman
SPEEA: David Simpson
UBC 70: Ed Triezenberg
Victor C. Harris, Snohomish County
Patrick Hogan, Congresswoman DelBene Staff
Michelle Meaker-Pin,
Somers and Ryan Campaigns
Terry Ryan, Candidate for Snohomish
County Council
Jim Smith, Radio Labor Journal
Dave Somers, Snohomish County
Councilman and Candidate
Ray Stephanson, City of Everett Mayor
and Candidate
Jeff Wells, Snohomish County Democrats
Richard Wright, Chairman, Snohomish
County Democrats