Snohomish County Labor Council

Minutes of the Meeting of September 23, 2008


The meeting was called to order by Vice President Boschok at 6:00 PM, followed by the Flag salute, and the reading of the meeting purpose statement. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as typed and handed out.




M/S/C to set the new delegates present. Rick Jurkovic, ATU 1576, was sworn in by Trustee, Ed Triezenberg.




Secretary-Treasurer Sells reported the Board met on August 19th and recommended approval of resolution on the County Health Care budget. It was M/S/C to approve the resolution number 2008-1:


Resolution 2008-1

Snohomish Health District Financing


WHEREAS, RCW 70.05.130 Mandates the Countyıs obligation to pay for public health services to protect the health and safety of its citizens; and,


WHEREAS, Snohomish Health District is projecting a $4.4 million shortfall in 2009 that will result in drastic program cuts with serious consequences to the publicıs health that in the long term will result in a greater tax and community burden for citizens; and,


WHEREAS, Snohomish Countyıs contribution is will below $5 per resident, which is below the state average of $7 per resident (this number excludes King County), and below King Countyıs contribution of $10 per resident; and,


WHEREAS, The Snohomish Health District will be unable to fulfill its critical functions with respect to well understood health threats such as impure air and water, unsanitary living conditions, unsafe food, and inadequate rates of immunization without adequate stable funding; and,


WHEREAS, The Snohomish Health District is tasked with addressing the emerging health threats of the 21st century including bioterrorism and other emergencies, health disparities, the spread of drug-resistant tuberculosis, HIV, SARS, West Nile virus, and other infectious diseases, and the increasing incidence of obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases resulting from tobacco, drug addiction, malnutrition, and inadequate exercise; and,


WHEREAS, Many of the programs targeted for cuts impact the most vulnerable of populations and in particular programs that support our communityıs children for instance, parenting education, mentoring programs for young and low income mothers, immunizations, nursing care, nutritional services, behavioral specialist assistance, and inspection and education of child care providers; and,


WHEREAS, Other programs are jeopardized such as STD prevention and treatment programs, communicable disease surveillance and intervention, community health monitoring and assessment, healthy communities programs targeting chronic disease, and environmental health programs that assure protection of natural resources and safe food and water; and,


WHEREAS, These programs prevent death of children, reduce rates of heart disease, reduce school failure, increase graduation and employment rates, reduce substance abuse and criminal activity, reduce prison rates, protect the community from all forms of communicable diseases, assure intellectual, physical and emotional growth of children, make childcare facilities safe, promote physical activity decreasing obesity and protect our natural community resources; and,


WHEREAS, all 5 Snohomish County Council members are members of the Health District Board and have consistently voted to spend down reserves instead of increasing funding; and,


WHEREAS, Our society will be judged by how it treats itıs most vulnerable citizens; and,


WHEREAS, Snohomish County is under-funding the Snohomish County Health District, and to adequately fund the District, the Snohomish County Council must increase the current public health budget to $10 per resident.




That the Snohomish County Council make the funding of public health a budgetary priority for 2009; and,


BE IT FINALLY REQUESTED, That the Snohomish County Council go on record in support of a stable and adequate funding source for Snohomish County Public Health to assure security of public health into the future,


Secretary-Treasurer Sells reported on other actions including a membership in the Snohomish County Museum, a contribution to Evergreen Progress, endorsement of the University of Washington Labor archive, and a table at the Families & Friends of Violent Crime Victims breakfast scheduled on September 25th where the Labor Council has a table.


The Board did not have a quorum for the September Executive Board, and Board members were subsequently polled on a recommendation for support of the Mass Transit Now, Proposition 1 proposal. Paul Roberts, Everett City Councilman and a Sound Transit Board member spoke to the issue and responded to questions. It was M/S/C to recommend to the Washington State Labor Council support for the Mass Transit Now, Proposition 1 proposal.


President Chapman joined the meeting at 6:20 PM


Neil Safrin, SCLC Member Education Coordinator presented the AFL/CIO Turn Around America DVD and program. As follow-up, he solicited support for the Labor/Neighbor program, noting that we had 34 canvassers out last Saturday.


The Executive Board had also been polled on granting per capita dispensation to Machinists 751 for six months because of the current strike at Boeing. They recommended granting the dispensation. It was M/S/C to concur.


Delegates also received the September 22nd AFL/CIO President statement on the Treasury Department Bailout and WSLC President statement on flawed trade policies.






Organizing Reports—Jackie Boschok reported that IAM 751 won the recent election with the City of Woodinville employees and would start bargaining there soon. A petition was refiled on the supervisors there and an election for them should be scheduled in the future. An election for Doss Aviation, a company that fuels all aircraft at Fort Lewis & the Yakima Firing Range is being held today so hopefully we can announce a win there when we get the results. And, an organizing campaign was started at Aerocell, half of C & D Zodiac along with Northwest Composites, a Marysville aerospace supplier that has been put on hold because of our strike. We hope to get that started up again when our members at Boeing get back to work. Rick Jurkovic, ATU 1576 reported the local had been contacted by Durham Transportation school bus drivers. Darrell Chapman, IBEW 191 reported the history on Rodgers Electric, which has been non-union. However, since the company was sold there have been efforts toward an election.


Contract Negotiations—Eric Wiseman, AFSCME 948 reported that members were voting on a new contract with the state. Robin Ramsey, IBU stated that the local had finished negotiations with the ferry system. They feel good about the raises and contract language they maintained. It will be up to the legislature to accept it. Jacki Boschok, IAM 751F that those that had been helping out, and had window support signs available for those wishing to show support for striking Machinists. Bob Rommel, SPEEA/IFPTE 2001 would be going into negotiations at the Red Lion on October 28th with the Boeing Company. He commented on the company efforts to try and deal directly with members regarding the contract. Patty Goins, AFSCME 1811CA stated the local was preparing for negotiations with the county. They are concerned about the $9 million shortfall in the Countyıs budget projection. She noted 17 staff were slated to lose jobs in the Human Services Department. Rick Jurkovic noted they had been negotiating with Community Transit since last October and not getting anywhere. They are looking to going to arbitration after the last and final has been presented.


Other Local Activity—Ed Triezenberg, UBC 562, reported on their current area standards campaign with regards to Kirtley-Cole. The campaign has been aimed at a number of non-profits using the company. Kirtley-Cole has now expressed some desire to sit down and talk about the union. Rick Jurkovic, ATU 1576, spoke the National Legislative Campaign for Fuel and passed up support cards that would go to our US Senators. Delegates were asked to sign them and return them to him. ATU is lobbying to pass an emergency federal bill that would authorize $1.7 billion that transit systems could use for fuel costs.


It was M/S/C to extend the meeting past 7:30 PM




Sally Hintz, Senator Cantwellıs office was introduced and expressed her support for striking Machinists. Neil Safrin, SCLC Education Coordinator, invited delegates to a Debate Watch at the IBEW hall on September 26th. Suzanne Moreau, Puget Sound Labor Agency thanked those that helped with the Boeing retiree Books and Backpacks program. In particular, she thanked Toni Bohan, SEIU 925, Bob James, NALC 791 and Jackie Boschok, IAM 751F for their work in helping to put the backpacks and contents together. She also noted and congratulated Doug Scott, LIUNA 292, for winning the Spirit of Labor Award at the recent United Way breakfast. She thanked Jackie Alex Boschok, Tina Wilson and Jon Holden, IAM 751, Bob Rommel, SPEEA and Karen Crowley of United Way for their Day of Caring work at the VOA and County Museum. She mentioned the United Way using a car sweepstakes in this yearıs campaign and the recent Labor Partnership lunch. She mentioned coordinating community service training for Machinists during the strike, as well as other past fund raising events.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM


Respectfully submitted,



Mike Sells, Secretary-Treasurer











AFSCME 109S: No Delegate


AFSCME 1811: No Delegate


AFSCME 1811CA: Patty Goins, Gloria Parker, Terry VanWyck


AFSCME 1811JS: No Delegate


AFSCME 1811S: No Delegate

AFSCME 881: No Delegate

AFSCME 948: 

AFSCME 1020: Eric Wiseman

AFSCME 1355: No Delegate

AFSCME 2753: No Delegate

AFSCME 2964: No Delegate

AFT 772: Mike Sells

AFT 1873:

AFT 4254:

APWU 484: No Delegate

ATU 883:

ATU 1576: Rick Jurkovic

AWPPW 644: No Delegate

GCIU 767M:

IAFF 46:

IAFF 1984: No Delegate

IAFF 2694: No Delegate

IAM 130:

IAM 751A:

IAM 751C:

IAM 751E:

IAM 751F: Jackie Boshok


IBEW 46:

IBEW 77:

IBEW 89:

IBEW 191: Darrell Chapman, Neil Sidhu

IBT 38: Tammi Brady

IBT 174:

IBT 231:

IBT 763:

IBU/ ILWU: Robin Ramsey, David McKenzie


ILWU 32:

IUOE 302: No Delegate

IUPAT DC 5: No Delegate

IW 86:

LIUNA 292: Rudy Zavala

NALC 791:


OPEIU 277: No Delegate

Pac NW Newspaper Guild:


Plumbers and Pipefitters 26:


SEIU 925: Toni Bohan, Donna Chrisman

SEIU 1199NW: Jackie McGeachy

SMIU 66:

SPEEA: Chris Glenn, Bob Rommel

UBC 562: Ed Triezenberg

UFCW 44: No Delegate

UFCW 141, USNU: No Delegate

UFCW 21:

UniteHere: No Delegate

Wash Tech / CWA: Curt Eidem


Excused Absences

AFSCME 948: Randy Kurtz

AFT 772: Kim Mead

IBEW 77: Peg Chrisman

IBT 231: Leonard Kelley

NALC 791: Bob James



Rachet Goldstein, SEIU 1199NW

S. Moreau, PSLA

Neal Safrin, ATU 587, Member Education Coordinator