Minutes of SCLC DelegateÕs Meeting
The meeting
was called to order at 6:02 PM by President Jason Redrup.
The PresidentÕs Message was read and the Pledge of Allegiance was held.
A motion was
made to approve minutes from May 25th meeting, motion passed.
Liv Vogeli, Candidate for Everett City Council: Liz spoke
about the importance of Union benefits and how they are a foundation for the
community. She addressed how labor is being attacked and how decisions like
Janus will not bring Labor down. She added that she is a proud Union supporter
and that here family relies on the Union, her husband is a member of IAM 751
and she is disgusted with the days Supreme Court decision. Liz stated Everett
is a city rich in Labor history and that she will continue to support that. Liz
thanked the body for opportunity to speak.
Jared Mead, Candidate
for State Rep in the 44th Legislative District: Jared came before the body to share his concerns on congestion and over
growth. Jared added we need to elect leaders that are strong union supporters
and protect organized labor. Before Jared left Secretary Treasurer Kelley asked
Jared and Liv if they would both commit to saying positive things about Unions
in a public setting or in their literature. Both of them said yes.
Stephanie Thomas, United
Way Labor Liaison: Stephanie gave
an update on the Letter Carriers Food Drive: 78 total volunteers and 238,719 Lbs. of
food were collected. Stephanie announced she will be leaving on maternity leave
and that Amanda Gomez will be taking over. Our next projects of Back to School
Supplies and Cool Girls in Aerospace were discussed.
A ten minute break
was taken so delegates could chat with the guests.
Secretary TreasurersÕ Report:
Treasurer Kelley commented on an economistÕs report that just came out emphasizing
the importance of Unions in the economy and reducing inequality in our country.
reported on the Independence Day parade
and the need for volunteers to participate. He also reported on the Mill Creek Festival and Festival of the River and the need for
volunteers to staff the booths, he reminded everyone to get their literature in
for the booths.
reported that tickets were in for Solidarity
Night at the AquaSox,
being held on August 9th.
He then gave
an update on the Labor Advisory
Committee for the United Way and
announced that the committee will be meeting on Wednesday July 12th
and interested persons should attend to give impute on LaborÕs role.
Leonard then
gave a brief report on the initial meeting on bringing a trade school to
Snohomish County.
reported that Labor Neighbor walks will be organized after the primary for
Labor endorsed candidates.
Organizing/Contract Negotiations:
Debbie Human, IBT
763: reported on their rally and
thanked everyone who showed up to support them, she added that the County had
implemented their last offer and that she would get back to us about future
Riley Fay, CarpenterÕs
Local 70: had a successful organizing campaign with Dawson construction.
Terry Van Wyck, AFSCME
1811CA: reported that they
ratified a 2 year contract with Snohomish County.
Good and Welfare:
Gary Kanter, AFM
76-493: reported that their radio show ÒWe do the WorkÓ is now heard on
almost 20 stations and 11 states across the Country. Gary stated that if you or
your Union is doing anything to combat the anti Ðunion efforts going on to
please contact them.
Bob James, NALC 791:
shared that he went to a John Lovick campaign event and that John had used the
U word in a positive way.
Anthony, IBU: Ferry
Workers thanked the body for allowing them to participate in the meeting and
they reminded everyone that the primaries are an important date.
Leonard reminded
everyone that there would be no July meeting due to the WSLC convention.
The meeting
was adjourned at 7:19 PM.
Leonard Kelley
Secretary Treasurer
Gary Kanter, AFM 76-493
Polagaya McLaughlin, AFSCME 109
Angela Guadamuz, AFSCME 1811CA
Terry VanWyck, AFSCME 1811CA
Tyler Verde, AFSCME 1811CA
Steve Nelson, AFSCME 1020
Dan Murphy, AFSCME 1020
John Sainz, ATU 1576 Ð Excused
Spencer Burris, IAM 751A Ð Excused
Brian Butler, IAM 751A
Mark Clark, IAM 751A
Jason Redrup, IAM 751A
Wes Heard, IAM 751A
Paul Schubert, IAM 751A
Gary Naple, IAM 751C
Denise Strike, IAM 751F
Shane Van Pelt, IAM 751F
Kai Fuller, IATSE 793
Christine Reid, IBEW 77 Ð Excused
Teresa Johnson, IBEW 89
Karen Tegard, IBEW 89
Christian Eaglehead, IBEW 191
Gary Kemp, IBEW 191 Ð Excused
Tammi Brady, IBT 38 Ð Excused
Debbie Gath, IBT 38 Ð Excused
Wendy Garrett-Drake, IBT 38 Ð Excused
Leonard Kelley, IBT 38
Michael Boe, IBT 117
Debi Humann, IBT 763
Al Cummins, IUOE 302
Chris Glenn, LIUNA 292
Doug Scott, LIUNA 292
Mike Llewellyn, LIUNA 292
Larry Montgomery, LIUNA 292
Billy Wallace, Jr., LIUNA 292
Bob James, NALC 791
Sue OÕConnor-Prilliman, OPEIU 8
Nallely Flores, OPEIU 8
Mary Maloy, OPEIU 8
Tara McIntosh, OPEIU 8
James Gillan, SPEEA 2001 Ð Excused
Susanne Murphy, SPEEA 2001
Kurt Schuetz, SPEEA 2001
David Simpson, SPEEA 2001 Ð Excused
Riley Fay, UBC 70
Miguel Morga, AFSCME
Stacy Martin, LIUNA 292
Anthony Pislefon, IBU/LWU
Liz Vogeli, IAM 751/Candidate
Stephanie Thomas, UWSC
Amanda Gomez, UWSC
Frederick Pieters, WPEA/UFCW 21
Ryan Johnson, IBT 38