Minutes of August 23rd SCLC
Delegates Meeting
The meeting was
called to order at 6:01 PM by President Jason Redrup. The pledge of allegiance
was held and the President message was read.
A motion was
made to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. The motion passed a vote
of the body.
Debi Human
from IBT 763 was present. A motion to seat the delegate was made and passed.
Debi Human was sworn in.
County Councilman Nate Nehring was present. He stated that he was a former teacher
and member of the TeacherŐs Union.
Nate also stated he is a supporter of Labor, Labor issues and
consistently has supported labor since becoming a councilman. He added that he
also serves as a district chair for the Republican Party and would like to see
the division between them and Labor bridged and would like to see some things
come together. He stated he has the endorsement of several unions and would
like the support of the Labor Council.
Secretary Treasurers Report
Treasurer, Leonard Kelley, reported on the labor booths at the fairs and the
positive response received from fair goers. He added Solidarity Night was a
huge success and that it was the largest attended solidarity night we have ever
had with 1400 union members in attendance.
reported that the WSLC Labor is looking to fill a vacancy on their board for a Vice
President from the Second District and that interested parties should submit a
letter of interest.
Reports of Unions
Eric Wiseman, AFSCME 1020; reported that the Evergreen Freedom
Foundation had submitted a request of all state workers addresses and that they
had all been mailed literature on how bad unions are and how to get out of them.
Jim Decarro, IBEW 46; reported that IBEW 46 was awarded the top organizing
local on the West Coast, organizing 21 contracts. He added Washington LERC was
putting on the Young Emerging LeaderŐs conference in October.
Debbie Gath, Teamsters 38; reported they have organized 36 Para
Educator Van Drivers from the Everett School District.
Valencio Valasco, Carpenters Local 70;
reported the Freedom
Foundation is having their annual fundraiser, September 29th, in Bellevue
and he will get us more info on it.
Cynthia Robson, SEIU 1199NW; reported that on September 6th
it will be a year that they have been in negotiations for Providence Hospice
and Home Care employees for a first contract. She announced that they had begun
mediation but didnŐt think it was helping. She also added that they were having
a Candle Light Vigil on September 27th
at Wetmore Park to show support for the workers and patients they serve and
asked that we attend after our delegates meeting.
Jason Redrup, IAM 751; reported that Paul Ryan would be
speaking at Boeing on how businesses need tax cuts.
Susanne Murphy, SPEEA; reported that Congressman Larsen
with be speaking with SPEEA tomorrow and she would give us an update at our
next meeting.
John Sainz, ATU 1576; reported they have a hiring spree
going on at Community Transit. John added that they have done some organizing and
recently got the four Swift Fare Ambassadors to sign cards. Perc certified them
and they are considered part of the current bargaining unit so they do not have
to negotiate a separate contract. John also reported that Senior Services just
ratified their contract by a vote of 26 to 12. He added they had finally gotten
back a lot of their giveaway back in 2011. John added that in 9 months of
negotiations they had only accomplished 8 T AŐs with Community Transit.
Michael Boe, Teamsters 117; reported that the Democrats were
seeking Labor banners to display at their Henry M. Jackson Gala.
Charlene Rawson, CWA-Wash Tech; reported that their brothers and
sisters at AT & T had been without a contract
for seven months. They have been advised to fill out their strike relief forms.
Debi Human, Teamsters 763; reported on negotiations with
Snohomish County. Debi stated that of all the contracts she has to negotiate,
her four with Snohomish County were the worst and most difficult to deal with. She
stated that a few of their contracts expired Dec, 31st of 2014. Debi added that she was told by the
CountyŐs lead negotiator that the County would have a new proposal she would
like. Today when they met, the proposal that was received increased their
health insurance premiums and was actually worse than the previous proposal.
Debi asked if they stage a rally or another action if the Council would support
them; a resounding ŇYes,Ó came from the body.
Gary Kanter, AFM 76-493; reported on a death of a farm worker
in Sumas. He added that the outpouring from the community has been great.
New Business
recommendation from the COPE Committee that comes with a motion and second to
Co-Endorse: Nate Nehring and Ray Miller for Snohomish County Council #1 was
brought before the delegates. A vote was held and passed.
recommendation from the COPE Committee that comes with a motion and second to
Endorse: Pam LeSesne for Everett School Board #5, was brought before the
delegates. A vote was held and passed.
recommendation from the COPE Committee that comes with a motion and second to
Endorse: Cathy Baylor for Edmonds School Board #4, was brought before the
delegates. A vote was held and passed.
recommendation from the COPE Committee that comes with a motion and second to
Endorse: Richard Short for Granite Falls School Board #1, was brought before
the delegates. A vote was held and passed.
recommendation from the COPE Committee that comes with a motion and second to
Endorse: Jeff Moore for Everett City Council #2, was brought before the
delegates. A vote was held and passed.
Good of the Order
Betty Welsh, Wash Tech & United
Way Labor Engagement Manager; Betty gave an update on Project: Homeless Connect. She added
that Toys for Tots was right around corner and collection boxes would be
available soon.
The meeting
was adjourned at 7:08 PM
Respectfully submitted
Leonard Kelley
Secretary Treasurer
Gary Kanter, AFM 76-493
Polagaya McLaughlin,
Angela Guadamuz, AFSCME
Steve Nelson, AFSCME 1020
Eric Wiseman. AFSCME 1020
John Sainz, ATU 1576
Brian Butler, IAM 751A
Jason Redrup, IAM 751A
Gary Naple, IAM 751C
James DeCaro, IBEW 46
Karen Tegard, IBEW 89
Debbie Gath, IBT 38
Michael Boe, IBT 117
Bill Albin, IUOE 302
Rick Cunningham, IUOE 302
Robert Rahkonen, IUPAT
D.C. 5
Chris Glenn, LIUNA 292
Cynthia Robson, SEIU
Sabrina Snow, SEIU 1199NW
James Gillan, SPEEA 2001
Susanne Murphy, SPEEA 2001
Fidencio Velasco, UBC 70
Charlene Rawson, Wash
Ed Triezenberg, Wash
Betty Welsh, Wash Tech/CWA
Debi Humann, IBT 763