Snohomish County Labor Council, AFL/CIO

Minutes of the Meeting of March 24, 2004


The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by President Chapman followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jackie Boschok, IAM 751 was appointed to the Vice President’s chair. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as amended. 




M/S/C to seat the delegates who were present (Shown in italics). IBEW 191: Travis Patterson; SPEEA:  Stephen Bish, Joe Lake, Larry Marrell, Sharon Marrell, Roger Pullman, Alan Rice, Kurt Schuetz; IUOE 302: Jeff Soth; IBT 763: Kenneth Anstett, Bob Lovely, Tom Vernon were sworn is as delegates.




State Representatative David Simpson spoke noting that he was pleased with the committee assignments he received. He stated that they had passed a lot of bills this session, and he was proud to have been a member of the caucus. He wants to go back and noted that as delegates you could help. He said, “I am one of you. I came from labor and share your life’s experience.” He reminded the delegates that he was a past IAM member, a member of SPEEA, and delegate to the Labor Council since 2001. He stated, “I did a great job and will be running for re-election.”




            Secretary Treasurer Sells gave a report on work being done on apprenticeship set asides at the port; participating in a recent local health care forum with Congressman Larsen and updating information concerning Snohomish County Citizens’ Cabinet. He also talked about affordable housing concerns, the Marysville School District, the 41st Street Overpass and attending the Housing Legislative Conference in Washington, DC.

            The Executive Board has met as the COPE Committee in a number of sessions and will have recommendations to the body by April 28th. They are also recommending that we send the President, Vice President and Sgt. At Arms as delegates to the WSLC COPE Convention. It was M/S/C to send the President, Vice President and Sgt. At Arms as delegates to the May 8th COPE Convention.




Community Services-Suzanne Moreau, Director of the Snohomish County part of the Puget Sound Labor Agency reported on the upcoming NALC Food Drive on May 8th.

A Letter Carriers video on the May 8th Food Drive was shown. They are working on helping with a golf tournament fundraiser on August 22nd  , the Sunday before the State Labor Council Convention. The agency is also working on a strike preparedness class.

She also stated that they are looking to expand and enhance the web site. She can now be called at 425-252-1112.


Workers Memorial, Toni Bohan, SEIU,  spoke on the Workers Memorial Day which will focus on injured workers this year. It will be April 28th at the County Courthouse by the Workers Memorial Plaza before the Labor Council Meeting. The march will start here at 5 PM. Hazel Goehring, LIUNA 292, expressed her desire to see more workers involved and fewer politicians.




The Secretary Treasurer reported on the next group of COPE screening scheduled.


April 1: 11:00 AM Juanita Doyon, Candidate for State Superintendent of Public Instruction

April 1: 12:00 PM Mike Cooper, Candidate for State Lands Commissioner

April 6: 11:30 AM Laura Ruderman, Candidate for Secretary of State

April 14: 9:45-10:45 Congressman Jay Inslee-Joint meeting with King County Labor Council COPE




Nominations and Election of Vice President


It was reported that at the last meeting, Jackie Boschok, IAM 751F was nominated to fill the Vice President’s open position. 
The chair called for any further nominations. None were forthcoming. It was M/S/C by acclimation to cast a unanimous ballot for Jackie Boschok,
IAM 751F


M/S/C to approve the budget and per capita increase of 4 cents starting April 1, 2004






Organizing Reports-No reports


Contract Negotiations


SEIU 925, Toni Bohan reported that they had finally settled the contract at the Everett Housing Authority and the members had ratified it.  Not great but in light of possible cutbacks at the Federal level they did OK.

            SPEEA, Mark Moshay, reported on a 75% turn down on the contract in Wichita at Boeing. Kansas is a Right To Work state. However, they did an advisory ballot from non members, and the turn down ratio was higher. Boeing is trying to push higher health care costs off onto the members.

            UFCW 1105, Paul Quaintance reported on planning for contract expiration May 2nd. They are working with Teamsters 38 to prepare for possible job action. He noted that the Southern California strike for grocery workers lasted 104 days.

            ATU 1576, Pat Connelly reported that they had been in negotiations since October with Community Transit. The company threw in a new twist by going after the dispatchers positions.


Other Local activities


Travis Patterson, IBEW 191, introduced himself as the newly appointed political coordinator of IBEW 191. They are currently working on registering members. They have 70 members who are willing to step up and help with volunteering during the election.

            Bob Rommel, SPEEA, reported on the opening of their new office and preparations to move in.dy to move into it. On April 22nd they will be having an open house from 3 PM to 7 PM. He would like the labor community to come up and share some time with them at. 2414-106th SW, Everett.

            D.J. Wilson, AFT 4254 spoke on the relationship between bargaining and the Edmonds Community College Board.

            Bob Monize, LIUNA 292, talked about members helping with a grocery strike on Camano Island.


NEW BUSINESS-No further new business



Jim Smith, LIUNA 292 promoted the Labor Radio Journal on KSER 90.7 FM. He also promoted the community services raffle.


Secretary-Treasurer Mike Sells, AFT 772 asked the Organizing Committee to meet briefly after the meeting to set a date for their first meeting.


President Darrell Chapman, IBEW 191, apologized for not being at the last meeting. He was at an Organizing Conference. He also stated that he owed the body, SPEEA and David Simpson an apology for his comments made at the January meeting.


Community Services Drawing winner: Mark Moshay, SPEEA





From State Labor Council






From Unions and Labor Councils



From Officials



From Organizations



From Candidates






AFSCME 109E: Robert Mueller, Shawn Smith, Scott White


AFSCME 113: Cameron Johnson

AFSCME 1811:


AFSCME 1811CA: Jay Crockett, Jay Fraser, Patty Goins



AFSCME 1811PA: David Kurtz




AFSCME 1020:

AFSCME 1355:

AFSCME 2753:

AFSCME 2964:

AFT 772: Mike Sells

AFT 1873:

AFT 4254: D. J. Wilson

APWU 484:

ATU 883: Don Shagam

ATU 1576: Pat Connelly, Dick McManus, Bonnie Williams

GCIU 767M:


IAFF 46: Robert Downey

IAFF 1984: John Puetz

IAFF 2694:

IAM 130:

IAM 751A: Bob Neumann, Tom Plummer, Jason Redrup, Don Shove, Bruce Spalding

IAM 751C: Rod Sigvartson

IAM 751E: Ron Bradley

IAM 751F: Jackie Boschok, Jonathan Holden

IATSE 15: John Lammon

IBEW 46:

IBEW 77: Peg Chrisman

IBEW 89: Mike Ferrucci

IBEW 191: Darrell Chapman, Travis Patterson, Jeff Seibert

IBT 38: Mike Campbell, Steven Chandler, Janine Dibble, Chuck Jewell, Leonard Kelley, Barry Lund, Rick Olson

IBT 763: Kenneth Anstett, Bob Lovely, Tom Vernon

IBU/ ILWU: Stuart Downer


ILWU 32:

IUOE 302: Jeff Soth


IW 86:

IW 506:

LIUNA 292: Hazel Goehring, Bob Monize, Jim Smith

NALC 791:

National Writers Union:

OPEIU 8: Patrick Axline

OPEIU 277:

PacNW Newspaper Guild:

SEIU 775:

SEIU 925: Toni Bohan

SEIU 1199NW:

SMIU 66: Joel Merriam, Bill Wood

SPEEA: Stephen Bish, Tim Bond, Chris Glenn, Joe Lake, Larry Marrell, Sharon Marrell, Mark Moshay, David Pearson, Roger Pullman, Alan Rice, Bob Rommel, David Simpson, Kurt Schuetz

UA 26:

UFCW 44:


UFCW 1001:

UFCW 1105: Nancy Holland-Young, Paul Quaintance


Excused Delegates

AFSCME 109: Pat Thompson

AFSCME 1020: Eric Wiseman

AFT 772: Kim Mead

AFT 4254: Mary Hale

IAFF 46: Tom Cobb, Tom Deckers, Russell Jack

IAM 751F: Judy Neumann, Tina Wilson

NALC 791: Bob James

SEIU 925: Tania Mario Rosario

SEIU 1199NW: Steven Moll



Debra Laik, ATU 1576

Suzanne Moreau, Director Puget Sound Labor Agency

Kat Overman, OPEIU

Ed Triezenberg, Carpenters 562


