Snohomish County Labor Council, AFL/CIO

Minutes of the Meeting of October 23, 2002


            The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by President Chapman followed by the flag salute. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as typed and handed out.




·        ATU 883: Yusuf Abdul

·        National Writers Union At-Large Local: Lance Sentman, Kathy Ferguson

·        SEIU 925 for Brian Levesque

·        UFCW 1001: Charles Primm


M/S/C to seat the new delegates who were present. National Writers’ Union: Lance Sentman was present and sworn in




State Representative Reardon, 38th District, thanked Council for primary support. He stated he had received 66% of vote, and hoped to push it to 67% in the general election.




            President reported he was not here last month because he was doing an auction for OPEIU 8. He reminded the delegates that he was also running for one of the Vice President’s seat of WSLC in the 2nd District.

            The Executive Board met on October 15th and discussed office issues, participation in the Koster Business Roundtable (Darrell Chapman attended) the AFL/CIO focus on Corporate Greed and a monetary request to send 5 people to a Janice Ellis fundraiser on October 24th. The Board did expend $375.00 for the Ellis Campaign fundraiser on October 24th. Attendees would be: Darrell Chapman, Mike Sells, Jackie Boschok, Chris Glenn, and Dave Kurtz.

            The Board also recommended a resolution sent by the National Writers Union which is below:


Lance Sentman, National Letters Writers Union spoke to the issue, and about organizing a local in this area.


M/S/C to pass the following resolution




Submitted by the National Writers Union, UAW Local 1981, AFL-CIO


WHEREAS, freelance writers and artists currently do not have the right to organize guaranteed by the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 because they are considered independent contractors, rather than employees under Anti-Trust Laws; and


WHEREAS, the nature of the creative workplace is evolving toward one where the ownership and control of media publishing sources are in fewer and fewer, labor hostile, corporate hands, freelance writers and artists need the power of numbers to be able to negotiate with publishers for fair and equitable payment for their work; and


WHEREAS, current copyright law does not sufficiently protect creative works because publishers, with their greater financial resources, can often effectively steal publication rights from writers and artists by either beating them to the copyright office or publishing them before the writer or artist has released rights; and


WHEREAS, remedies for the above exist in the “Freelance Writers and Artists Protection Act of 2002” proposed by Representative John Conyers, Jr. of Michigan and introduced by the National Writers Union (United Auto Workers Local 1981), the Graphic Artists Guild (United Auto Workers Local 3030) and the United Auto Workers Union, AFL-CIO; therefore, let it be


RESOLVED, that the Snohomish County Labor Council hereby supports passage of the “Freelance Writers and Artists Protection Act” and urges those legislators within whose jurisdiction it lies, to co-sponsor the Act and/or vote favorably for its passage.


            The Secretary-Treasurer gave out a written report on meetings attended since September 25th. It included activity on Labor/Neighbor, CWU, EHA and EDC. The Secretary-Treasurer showed the AFL/CIO video on No More Business as Usual. Laid off Enron, Arthur Andersen and Worldcom employees were interviewed about the ramifications of the fraud in their companies.


            The chair reported on the Sax/Koster Roundtable, and their desire to find efficiencies in county government.




Community Services:  Laura Wentworth explained to delegates what Operation Shortfall is. She reported on the holiday raffle. She noted how Teamsters 38 has raised quite a bit of money for community needs with their annual holiday party, also. You can designate to Operation Shortfall in workplace giving to United Way.

            Bill Borders thanked those members who were able to help member of AFSCME that was in dire need. The group did a work party last Saturday to help the individual. Bill Borders, Chris Glenn, JohnLynn, Bob Rommel with two daughters,  and Bill Dennis. drove up to Darrington and cleared an acres worth of land. He also thanked those that bought Operation Shortfall raffle tickets, and reported that most non-profits are up against the wall for funding. The food bank is seeing record numbers. A million people visited food banks in Washington State this last year. We rank in top three states in America where people have food insecurity. Half those people are full time wage earners.

            Don Shove, IAM 751A, asked that we bring can of food or a donation to the next meeting. Chris Glenn, SPEEA, referred to article in this morning’s Herald regarding food bank shortfalls. Chuck Jewell, IBT 38 will buy food. Attendees can throw in a buck and buy one of the cans for the food bank. He asked that we put food barrels out in conjunction with Volunteers of America.




            Leonard Kelley, IBT 38 reported that there were 180 volunteers in Seattle last weekend to leaflet for Ref. 51. On Nov 2nd,  he will be coordinating Labor/Neighbor in Stanwood for Eron Berg.

            Lee Marchisio, Program Coordinator thanked Council for experience of working the Labor/Neighbor program. We have done 148 volunteer shifts thus far, and will be out the last two weekends before the election. 35 precincts are left to do in the 44th. We need 100 volunteers this next two weekends to complete the 44th and do some work in the 38th and 10th. Poll watching is the most important to be done on Tuesday, Nov. 5th.

John McCoy, 38th District Candidate thanked the Council for its support. He appreciated those that were able to get out and help with the doorbelling. He stated that in his doorbelling, the message seemed to getting across from his mailings.






            Organizing- UFCW 1105, Paul Quaintance reported on their Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. He spoke about employers wanting to become Wal Mart and the problems that causes for employees. Health care costs are a big problem putting tremendous pressure on employers to dump costs off on employees. With Wal Mart not providing health care for a number of employees, that adds pressure to other retail businesses. Employers are simply being pushed not to provide health care anymore because it is getting too expensive. They are having a day of action regarding Wal Mart on Nov 21st. It will be at the Wal Mart in Renton from 11 AM to 1PM.

Contract negotiations and maintenance Harold Pyatte, ILWU 32, reported on the ILWU lock out by the Pacific Maritime Association. With the Taft Hartley injunction they are back at work operating to empty all the ships that kept coming into the harbors while the employers kept them from working. Taft Hartley enjoins them to work at normal pace, and they have tried to resume normal activities. Congestion is so bad, however, at large ports that they would need two longshore work forces to make up for the back log. Employers have been using production records from before lock out, to try and show they were slowing down. That is a complete fabrication. We simply don’t have the men or equipment to move the containers. The number has gone down to 22 containers an hour. The PMA shows that down 25% to 30%, based it on pre lock out conditions. The union has asked for more men, and the PMA has flat out refused. They are out to bust the Longshoremen’s Union. He believes they are working as fast and safe as we can. They are following OSHA and WISHA recommendations, and have had 5 longshoremen killed since negotiations started. He discussed wages noting that the average wage in Everett is $48,000 a year.

Teamsters 763, Kelly Blomquist, stated they we may have noticed in the Herald and Times lately conditions in the jail are not very good. Custody officers are required to work excessive overtime. Fatigue is causing unsafe conditions. Only since making the paper has the county begun to pay attention to our complaints. He stated that the local had examined records of the county on overtime for corrections, and believes they could save money by hiring more staff. As early as 1994, recommendations were made to address the overcrowding. The County Auditor pointed out that they did not have enough staff. By hiring as many as 20 full time jobs, it would eliminate excessive overtime. As of June of this year, the county has spent $1,000,000 on overtime.  The County Executive’s budget wants to cut staff. On Nov. 6th, there is a forum to talk with County Council to discuss the budget.

He further reported that inmates have filed lawsuits over $13 million because of the overcrowded conditions. The results could cost the taxpayers quite a bit. The current population exceeds 700, in a facility designed to hold 277. The County Executive’s roposal is to set 530 as a limit. That could mean release of about 170 into the community.

Tom Vernon, Shop Steward and Exec Board Member  of  Teamsters 763 reported they are getting ready to lay off 3 control room operators. If one goes out a custodial officer has to replace them at times. He also explained the overtime system.

Dave Chambers, IBT 763, stated that assault on officers has gone up 80% in the last two years.

M/S/C to extend the meeting for 15 minutes

IBU, Stuart Downer reported on a strike ballot which will be issued on November 15th against Foss Maritime. The main issue is safe crew sizes. They have pulled crews of tugs in Puget Sound to support the Longshore workers. He discussed safety issues and federal regulations regarding crew sizes on tugs.


Other Reports




M/S/C to buy a television stand that is taller.




Bob Monize, LIUNA 292 reported that his local has contributed $10,000 for the Larsen campaign. He also noted that his local had a member who was a single mother with 15 month old baby living out in car. Their Helping Hands program managed to get her into an apartment. She will need help down the road, however.

            Jim Smith, LIUNA 292 reported that the Radio Labor Journal strong. They have been running highlights of last State Labor Council Convention. It is a great forum for working people


Winners of the Community Services drawing were: Mary Hale, Don Houtchen, and Chris Glenn


Adjourned at Respectfully submitted,



Mike Sells, Secretary-Treasurer


Delegates attendance

AFSCME 109: Pat Thompson

AFSCME 109E: Robert Mueller


AFSCME 113: Gary Doughty, Libbie Soden, Rob Sprague


AFSCME 948: Poppy Hanson, Marleen Weigand

AFSCME 1020:

AFSCME 1355:

AFSCME 1811:


AFSCME 1811CA: Debi         Gahringer, Laura Wentworth

AFSCME 1811JPD: Ron Gipson

AFSCME 1811PA: David Kurtz


AFSCME 2753:

AFSCME 2964:

AFT 772: Mike Sells, Kim Mead

AFT 1873:

AFT 4254: D. J. Wilson, Mary Hale

APWU 484:

ATU 883: Patrick Downes

ATU 1576: Bonnie Williams, Pat Connolly

CWA 7800:

CWA 37082:

GCIU 767M:


IAFF 46:

IAFF 1984:

IAFF 2694:

IAFF 3219:

IAFF 3482:

IAFF 3524

IAM 130: David Volkman

IAM 751A: Bob Neumann, Tom Plummer, Don Shove, Bruce Spalding

IAM 751C: Hank Getchman

IAM 751E: Ron Bradley

IAM 751F: Judy Neumann, Jackie Boschok, Bryan DuPaul

IATSE 15: John Lammon

IBEW 77:

IBEW 89: Mike Ferrucci

IBEW 191: Darrell Chapman, Mike Heins, Jeff Seibert

IBT 38: Leonard Kelley, Chuck Jewell

IBT 763: Kelly Blomquist, Dave Chambers, Kirk Stephenson, Tom Vernon

IBU/ ILWU 22: Stuart Downer

IFPTE 17: Maroa Velice, Sue Willard

ILWU 32: Mark Sullivan, Harold Pyatte

IUOE 286:

IUOE 302:


IW 86: Greg Lochrie

IW 506:

LIUNA 292: Jim Smith, Dan O’Connor, Hazel Goehring, Bob Monize


NALC 791: Bob James, Ken Titus

OPEIU 8:        

OPEIU 277:

SEIU 925: Toni Bohan, Bill Borders

SEIU 1199NW:

SMIU 66: Bill Wood

SPEEA: Tim Bond, Chris Glenn, David Simpson, Bob Rommel

UA 265:

UFCW 44:


UFCW 1001:

UFCW 1105: Paul Quaintance


Excused Delegates

AFSCME 109: Pete Dykstra

AFSCME 1811CA: Terry Van Wyck

IAFF 46: Tom Cobb, Tom Deckers, Robert Downey, Russell Jack

IAM A: Jason Redrup, Johnathan Toy

IAM 751C: Dave Brueher, Rod Sigvartson

IAM 751F: Jonathan Holden

IBEW 77: Peg Chrisman

IBEW 89: Gloria Borders

IBEW 191: Jeff Seibert

IBT 38: Janine Dibble, Doug Gunwall, Rod Mendenhall

SEIU 1199NW: Adelina Gonzales

SPEEA: Mark Moshay



Derek Baker, John McCoy Campaign Manager

Don Houtchens, WSLC – VP

Barbara James, NALC Aux 308

John D. Lynn, SPEEA 2001

Lee Marchisio, OPEIU 8

Aaron Reardon, Representative 38th LD House, Candidate for 38th Senate

Jim Roberts, SPEEA 2001

Kevin Quigley, Candidate for County Executive




From Washington State Labor Council

·        9/23/02 Rick S. Bender, President on Referendum 51 Lit Drops

·        9/27/02 Rick Bender, President & Diane McDaniel, Political Director, candidate priorities10/15/02 Rick Bender, President, standing committee appointments and openings

·        10/1/02, Ricke S. Bender, President, re: Referendum 51 contributions

·        10/7/02, Rick S. Bender, President & Diane McDaniel, Political Director, re: organizational support for Labor/Neighbor

·        10/17/02 Rick Bender, President & Diane McDaniel, Political Director re: Election Day 2002 Volunteer Needs

·        10/17/02 Diane McDaniel, Political Director, Labor Roundtable Meeting notice for October 24th at 1:30 PM at the Machinists Hall


·        9/24/02 John J. Sweeney, President, re: October 19th National Day of Action on Corporate Accountability

·        10/2/02 John J. Sweeney on ILWU lock out

·        10/10/02 Marilyn Sneiderman, outline of earned legalization and family unification legislation introduced by House Minority leader Dick Gephardt

·        10/11/02 Marilyn Sneiderman, Director of Field Mobilization, report on September 18-20, 2002 Washington, DC CLC Conference

·        10/17/02 Statement of John J. Sweeney, President on Republican House Rejection of Proposal to Extend Unemployment Insurance Benefits

·        10/22/02 John J. Sweeney, President, re: economic fact sheets for election related work

From Unions and Councils

·        10/15/02 Steve Williamson, King County Labor Council; Rick Bender, Washington State Labor Council; Paul Berendt, Washington State Democrats; and Ron Forest, King County invitation to 21st Annual Holiday Assistance Fundraiser Meet the Winners on November 6th, 5 PM to 7 PM

·        10/23/02, R. Thomas Buffenbarger, President, IAM; Joseph J. Hunt, President, Ironworkers; Frank Hanley, President, IUOE and Michael Sacco, President, Seafarers, re: memorandum to members on concerns with ILWU negotiations.

From Organizations

·        9/16/02 Greg Tisdel, Everett CC Foundation President and Charles N. Earl, President at Everett CC seeking funds for the foundation programs

·        10/4/02 Fax, Earl Hale, Executive Director, State Board for Community & Technical Colleges & Rick S. Bender, President, Washington State Labor Council on Sharpening Washington’s CompetitiveEdge, A Region by Region Approach to Raising Productivity & Prosperity, Tuesday, October 29th at South Seattle Community College

·        10/11/02 Governing Board of Cogswell College in Everett invitation to October 15th, 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM reception to unveil college’s vision for downtown Everett campus expansion

·        10/16/02 Rich White, President, Snohomish County Committee for Improved Transportation re: support for Referendum 51

·        10/18/02 Kurt Fritts, Executive Director, Senate Democratic Campaign Committee seeking financial support.

·        10/18/02, Paul Roberts, Director, City of Everett Planning and Community Development on Everett Waterfront Access Plan update.

·        10/21/02, Elizabeth Barclay and Jim Jontz, Alliance for Sustainable Jobs & the Environment requesting financial support, and become a voting member of ASJE. (Referred to Executive Board)

·        Undated, Sound Transit invitation to Rainier Valley Design Presentation in Seattle on October 29th and November 7TH

·        Undated, WSDOT I-405 Improvement Project, invite to Open Houses scheduled Oct. 22nd to October 24th.
Undated, Center for Learning Connections, Highline Community College re: April 28-30, 2003, Washington State Workforce Development Providers’s Conference at Westin in Seattle

·        Undated, Everett Community College Nippon Business Institute on Japan Cultural Day Celebration and Silent Auction, Sunday, November 3rd at 905 Wetmore

·        Undated, King County Dept. of Natural Resources and Parks, Wastewater Treatment Division invitation to October 5th, 9 AM to 3:30 PM, Technology Seminar in Woodinville

·        Undated, Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies invitation to October 11th, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM annual party and announcement on research grants and scholarships.

·          Undated, Greater Marysville/Tulalip Chamber of Commerce invitation to North County Summit on economic development, October 10th.


From Individuals

      Court seeking soliciting financial help with the campaign