Snohomish County Labor Council

Minutes of the Meeting of May 25, 2011


  The meeting was called to order by President Darrell Chapman. Trustee Ed Triezenberg, UBC 70, was appointed to fill the Secretary/Treasurer position, as Secretary/Treasurer Mike Sells, AFT 772 was in special session in Olympia. Trustee Leonard Kelley, IBT 231, was appointed to fill the Vice-President position. The seat is open.  The flag salute followed. President Chapman read the President’s message. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as corrected and posted on the Snohomish County Labor Council web site. Items corrected were the incorrect date and request by Doug Scott, LIUNA 292, to remove the followingcomment posted in the minutes by the Secretary/Treasurer concerning the resolution passed: (Note: In accordance with AFL/CIO Rules Governing Central Bodies, p. 21 last paragraph”No central body may endorse, or engage in, or be involved with a commercial enterprise or nonprofit organization unless such participation has been approved by the President of the AFL/CIO”. The Secretary-Treasurer will be seeking further advice as whether or not the resolution violates that provision.)




·      AFSCME 113: Jim Imhof, Charles Johnstone, Dan Packard

·      IAFF 46:  John Gage, Don Schwab


  It was M/S/C to seat the delegatepresent. The following new delegate was sworn in: Don Schwab (Note: Charles Johnstone, AFSCME 113 was sworn in late. See New Business.)



  Tara Goode, Janice Bussart, Washington State Nurses Association

   The Washington State Nurses Association is in negotiations with Skagit Valley Hospital. Administration has said they want to be the new Wisconsin. Public Board of Commissioners wants to restrict access to Board of Nurses. Some of the issues include 3 – 37% pay cut proposals, targeting long term employees, elimination of daily overtime and lack of regular breaks during often worked 12 – 16 hour shifts, which raises patient safety concerns.

   The WSNA is planning 2 events and working on informational packets. There will be a rally at Skagit County Courthouse on June 2 at noon. There are 4 nurses running for commissioner seats this election – 4 of the 7 are up.



   President Chapman, IBEW 191, reported on the anti-worker Workers Comp bill that the Republicans and Roadkill caucus were able to get passed this last legislative session.

   Trustee Leonard Kelley, IBT 231, talked about the details of the WC Bill.

Sgt-at-Arms Jason Redrup, IAM 751A reported that the upcoming COPE Committee would be the Executive Board and for those affiliates who do not have an Executive Board member they could designate a representative. Dan Christofferson, LIUNA 292, reported that candidates need two locals request that the SCLC COPE Committee interview them. Trustee Ed Triezenberg, UBC 70, gave the interview dates of June 10th and June 17th from 9:30AM to 11:30AM each day.











Organizing Reports— John Lammon, IATSE 15, reported that the U-2 concert at Qwest Field will be union. They are trying to get Pacific Northwest contract with Live Nation. Darrell Chapman, IBEW 191, reported that they are organizing a database of all licensed electricians.


Contract Negotiations—None


Other Local Activities—Jason Redrup, IAM 751A, reported that there is a loophole in the Korean Free Trade Agreement that as long as 30% of product production is in Korea it qualifies for Free Trade. Update: Boeing acknowledges it moved the line illegally but is arrogant enough to think that they can get the law changed. Jackie Boschok, IAM 751F, reported that the Machinist’s Women’s Committee would hold a Fun Run Saturday June 4th to raise money for Guide Dogs of America. The goal this year is $100,000. Leonard Kelley, IBT 231, reported that he, Ed Triezenberg, UBC 70, Bob Rommel, SPEEA, and Mike Wartelle, PilchuckUniserve Council, spoke with the senior classes at Sultan for a Labor Education Day. They were well received and would like to make this an annual project.



   Jackie Boschok, IAM 751F, made the following motion: “That the Snohomish County Labor Council take immediate action to influence the United Way of Snohomish County to revise their recent decision to create a new resource developmental labor relations staff person and instead honor the true United Way and organized labor partnership for community service by negotiating a memorandum of understanding with our labor council to hire a labor liaison using the national AFL-CIO memorandum as a model.” Trustee Ed Triezenberg, UBC 70, asked where that model could be referenced and J. Boschok said she would forward copies to the Executive Board since they were not available on the AFL-CIO website. She gave as her reason for the motion that she thought the United Way only had 3 choices – continue funding the Puget Sound Labor Agency,  fund the newly formed Operation Shortfall or return to the old liaison model. The United Way chose a 4th option which J. Boschok called a poorly paid, non-union position. The motion was referred to the Executive Board as requested by J. Boschok.


   Nominations: Vice- President: Jason Redrup, IAM 751A (nominated by Jackie Boschok IAM 751F); Trustee 1: Dan Christofferson, LIUNA 292 (nominated by Doug Scott, LIUNA 292) and Grace Holland, IAM 751F – not present (nominated by Jackie Boschok, IAM 751F) Jim Gallard was nominated but is not eligible since Bob Rommel, SPEEA, already serves on the board. President Darrell Chapman closed negotiations until the June meeting..


  Charles Johnstone, AFSCME 113, arrived late for his swearing in as a new delegate. It was M/S/C to swear him in. He reported on Everett Public Works. They have had 2 meetings with management in the last few weeks and have been told they are lucky there have been no layoffs or furloughs. Everett will have a 10 million dollar shortfall in 2012.Delaying filling retiree positions should help.





   Chris Glenn, LIUNA 292, more labor people need to be involved in party policies.

   Eric Wiseman, WFSE 1020, reported that Bruce Hume (State Patrol, DSHS, L&I) passed away.

   Bob Rommel, SPEEA, reported that SPEEA had donated at least $1000 to 15 local high school robotic programs.



   Jim Smith, Radio Labor Journal, he recorded the recent Workers Memorial ceremony. The program airs the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30PM on KSER.

   Suzanne Moreau, PSLA, reported on the Letter Carriers Food Drive results: This year 280,000lbs and $405 were donated from community members. She thanked everyone who helped. She also reported on the First Amendment Scholarship that on February 10th they raised close to $10,000 and the $4000 scholarship would be awarded tomorrow night by Kay Powers at Cascade High School at 7:30PM. She noted that the Everett School District would not participate if Ms. Powers name was on it.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM





Ed Triezenberg, UBC 70, Trustee

Acting Secretary-Treasurer





AFSCME 109E: No Delegate

AFSCME 109S: No Delegate

AFSCME 113: Charles Johnstone, Brian O’Leary

AFSCME 1811:



AFSCME 1811JPD: No Delegate

AFSCME 1811JS: No Delegate


AFSCME 1811S: No Delegate

AFSCME 435: No Delegate

AFSCME 881: No Delegate


AFSCME 1020: Eric Wiseman

AFSCME 2753: No Delegate

AFSCME 2964: No Delegate

AFT 772: AFT 1873: Steven Horn

APWU 484: No Delegate

ATU 883: No Delegate

ATU 1576: Rick Jurkovic

AWPPW 183:

AWPPW 644:

GCIU 767M: No Delegate

IAFF 46: Don Schwab

IAFF 1984: No Delegate

IAFF 2694: No Delegate

IAM 130: 

IAM 751A: Mark Clark, Jason Redrup

IAM 751C: Christopher Louie, Rod Sigvartson

IAM 751E

IAM 751F: Jackie Boschok, Garth Luark

IATSE 15: John Lammon, Tom McConnell

IBEW 46:

IBEW 77: John Cunningham, Chris Reed

IBEW 89:

IBEW 191: Darrell Chapman, Darrell Wolk

IBT 38: IBT 174: No Delegate

IBT 231: Leonard Kelley

IBT 763: No Delegate


IFPTE 17: Geoffrey Crofoot

IUOE 302: No Delegate


IW 86: No Delegate

LIUNA 292: Dan Christofferson, Chris Glenn, Doug Scott

NALC 791: Bob James

OPEIU 8: Janice Herrera

OPEIU 277: No Delegate

Pac NW Newspaper Guild: No Delegate

Plumbers and Pipefitters 26: No Delegate

SEIU 6: No Delegate

SEIU 925:

SEIU 1199NW: No Delegate

SMIU 66: No Delegate

SPEEA: Lynn Burow, James Gillan, Bob Rommel

UBC 70: Ed Triezenberg

UFCW 141, USNU: No Delegate

UniteHere: No Delegate

Wash Tech / CWA: RennieSawade


Excused Absences

AFSCME 948: Randy Kurtz

AFT 772: Mike Sells

IBEW 191: Robert DeVelder, Darrel McLaughlin

IBT 38: Tammi Brady, Steven Chandler, Janine Dibble, Rick Olson

UBC 70: Guy Johnson




Jan Bussert, WSNA

Toni Bohan

Tara Goode, WSNA

Suzanne Moreau, PSLA

Don Shove, IAM

Jim Smith, Radio Labor Journal, LIUNA 292