SCLC Minutes 3/25/2015

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by President Redrup, IAM 751 followed by the flag salute and the reading of the meeting purpose. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as posted.



Jason Brock; IAFF 46

Shannon Ryker: IAM 751A

Bill Albin, Al Cummings, Tony Zempel: IUOE 302

Terry Hutchins: Darrin Norton: IBT 117

Kenneth Ware: SPEEA

Betty Welsh Wash Tech

John Lehman, Dennis Velasco UBC 70


M/S/C to seat the new delegates that were present. John Lehman, Dennis Velasco, Betty Welsh were sworn in as delegates.

It was noted the Bill Albin, Al Cummings and Tony Zempel were sworn in at the previous meeting


Ann Seabott: Liaison from Senator Patty MurrayÕs office

Ann reported that there has been a change in the NLRB rules to speed up union elections. Employers are calling this the ÒAmbush Rule Ò.

She also reported that Senator Murray had  cosponsored the ÒPaycheck Fairness ActÓ and had proposed a $12.00 national minimum wage.

Ron Harold, IAM 130, asked about the SenatorÕs position on Fast Track. Ann responded that the Senator hasnÕt seen the proposal so she cannot comment at this time.

Hanna Welander: Representative from Snohomish Health District Nurses

Hanna reported that they have 25 members and the Snohomish Health District Board voted to close the Health Immunization Center. She stated that the nurses were not only concerned about their jobs but about the community that they serve. Much of their patients are low income single moms, undocumented workers and those that donÕt have quality health care.

They have 2 clinics, one in Lynnwood and one on Rucker, these closures will also affect first steps and Wic programs. She stated Executive Lovick supports the program and that the Council voted down the $450,000 approved by Lovick.

Michelle Stelovich: WSLC Vice President , Michelle reported the State Labor Council  is keeping an eye on the 30th Legislative district where a special election is being held. So also stated that the State will probably be active fighting a Tim Eyeman initiative which would require a 2/3 vote on tax increases.

Michelle reported on some of the Freedom Foundations activities. They are targeting Cities and Counties that have loop holes which would allow them to enactÓ Right to workÓ  ordinances in their jurisdictions. Clark County is a target.

Michelle also issued a Peanut Butter drive challenge from the NWCC on who could raise the most peanut butter per capita.

A motion and second was made to accept the challenge from the NWCC. Motion carried unanimously.

Secretary Treasurers Report

Sec-Treasurer Leonard Kelley reported on the national conference call for all CLCÕs with AFL-CIO President Trumka. TPP/ Fast-Track were the main talking points emphasizing support for a letter campaign to our congress man and local elected asking for their support to stop fast track.

Locally in our own legislature, he reported that 2 bills had been introduced in committee with regards to cuts in compensation for injured workers and removing Labor Representation from L&I committees.

He also referenced an article in the Everet Herald reporting on the machinist organizing campaign in South Carolina and comments made by Governor Nikki Haley. HaleyÕs was quoted  in the article saying that they were proud that South Carolina had a reputation for being anti-union and that now one of their companies was under attack.


Reports of Unions

Michael Boe, IBT 117, reported on Teamsters lobby day

Les Mullen, IAM 751A, reported on claw back and aerospace accountability legislation being introduced.

Contract Negotiations

Polagaya McLaughlin, AFSCME 109E, reported on their current contract negotiations that have been going on since August and that the employer finally presented a partial proposal.


Organizing Reports

Rick Cunningham IUOE 302, reported that they are working with the Laborers to organize a local construction company.

John Lammon, IATSE 15, reported they are putting together an organizing committee at Comcast arena for the non-represented employees there.

Other Local Activities

John Sainz, ATU 1576,  reported that at their shop steward workshop for their newly organized Island Transit they had 80% participation.

Suzanne Murphy,  SPEEA,  reported on HB 2147 which tie jobs to corporate tax breaks and referenced a second bill that would guarantee a living wage to Aerospace workers.

Old Business

Nominations and elections were held for Executive Board  for Trustee Pos. 1. A motion was made to nominate Teresa Johnson, IBEW 89. The election was held with 3 names on the ballot, John Sainz ATU 1576, Rick Cunningham, IUOE 302, and Teresa Johnson, IBEW 89. Rick Cunningham, IUOE 302, received the most votes and was sworn in.

New Business

None to come before the body


Good of the order

Jim Smith, Laborers 292, reported on the Labor Radio Journal. He covered the WSLC Action Day in Olympia with an estimated 500 people in attendance; and the rally for the Everett Providence nurses, represented by UFCW.

Betty Welsh, United Way Labor Donor Relations, WASH Tech, gave an update on the upcoming Letter Carriers Food Drive to be held this year on May 9th.  Over 240,000 bags will be distributed throughout the County. She also reported on the United Ways Million dollar challenge and that Mental Health was the number one issue is recently held community meetings.

Betty referenced the peanut butter drive and cheerfully accepted the  challenge from the NWCC Labor Council.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:18 PM



AFSCME 109: Polagaya McLaughlin


AFSCME 109S: No Delegate


AFSCME 1811:

AFSCME 1811C: No Delegate

AFSCME 1811CA: No Delegate

AFSCME 1811JPD: No Delegate

AFSCME 1811JS: No Delegate


AFSCME 1811S: No Delegate

AFSCME 435: No Delegate

AFSCME 881: No Delegate


AFSCME 1020:

AFSCME 2753: No Delegate

AFSCME 2964: No Delegate

AFT 772: 

AFT 1873:

APWU 484: No Delegate

ATU 883:Rick Swartz

ATU 1576: John Sainz

GCIU 767M: No Delegate

IAFF 46:

IAFF 1828:

IAFF 1984: No Delegate

IAFF 2694: No Delegate

IAFF 3916: No Delegate

IAFF 4118:

IAM 130:  Ron Harrell

IAM 751A:

IAM 751C:

IAM 751E:

IAM 751F: Greg Campos, Jonathan Holden, Garth Luark, Tina Wilson

IATSE 15: John Lammon

IBEW 46:

IBEW 77:

IBEW 89:  Teresa Johnson

IBEW 191: Darrel McLaughlin

IBT 38: Leonard Kelley

IBT 117: Michael Boe

IBT 174: No Delegate

IBT 231: Rich Ewing

IBT 763: No Delegate

IUOE 302: Bill Albin Jr., Al Cummins, Rick Cunningham, Tony Zempel


IW 86: No Delegate

LIUNA 292:, Doug Scott, Jim Smith

NALC 791: Bob James, Chris Kelly

OPEIU 8: No Delegate

Pac NW Newspaper Guild: No Delegate

Plumbers and Pipefitters 26: No Delegate

PTE 17: Kathy Pierson

SEIU 6: No Delegate

SEIU 925: No Delegate

SEIU 1199NW: No Delegate

SMIU 66:

SPEEA: Lynn Burow, Susanne Murphy, Kurt Schuetz, Robert Sutton

UBC 70:  John Lehman, Fidencio Denis Velasco

UFCW 141, USNU: No Delegate

UniteHere: No Delegate

Wash Tech / CWA: Ed Triezenberg, Betty Welsh



Excused Absences

IBEW 77: Jackie Rae

LIUNA 292: Chris Glenn

SPEEA: Sandy Hastings, David Simpson



Joe Dowes, Senator Cantwell Staff

Ann Seabott, Senator Murray Staff

Michele Stelovich, Sec-Trea NWWCLC, SCLC District 2 Vice-President

Hannah Welander, WSNF