Minutes February 22nd 2017 Delegates meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 6:01 PM by Pres. Jason Redrup. The presidentÕs message was read in the Pledge of Allegiance was held.

A motion and a second were made to accept the minutes from the previous meeting, the motion passed unanimously.


Suzanne Murphy from SPEEA was sworn in as trustee.


Florence Gustafson, John Shannon and Cynthia Robson from SEIU 1199NW reported that they were a new group that just organized last April and were new to unions and appreciated being able to speak to us. They gave an update on their contract negotiations with Providence home hospice and asked that we turn out for a rally they are having on March 28 th to support their effortÕs in getting a first contract.

A five minutes break was taken to allow the delegates a chance to speak with the guest.


Gary Cantor from AFM was sworn in as a new delegate

Secretary Treasurers Report.

Secretary Treasurer Leonard Kelley reported that Gary is our very first delegate from the American Federation of Musicians Union that just affiliated with the Snohomish County labor Council, a report was given on the Unions 101 Class being held on March 18th and said there was still time to sign up; he also spoke about the Bring a younger Brother or Sister Dinner being held on March 8th and gave an update on the Trade Up events scheduled for April 4th and April 27th.

A class that was being held the State Labor Council on Digital organizing was reported on.

Reports of Union

Charlen Rawson with CWA reported their contract had expired 2 ½ weeks ago and negotiations were not going well and took a vote that was 93% favorable to strike.

John Sainz ATU reported they have been in negotiations for 6 months with no progress but was making progress with Island Transit for a first contract.

Daryn Wilbur Teamsters local 38, they have 2 contracts open, one is with a new group in Lake Stevens. The other contract that is open is Crown Distributing, they have a 96% strike authorization from the membership and support from the international. The company has given a last best and final.

Michael Boe Teamsters Local 117 reported they had a very successful lobby day In Olympia. They emphasized staffing at all there facilities state wide.

Jason Brock Everett Fire Local 46, reported on the fire fighters turnout in Olympia to oppose right to work legislation. He added that the Labor Breakfast went well that was held at the Fire Fighters hall.

Teresa Johnson IBEW 89,reported they are getting ready to negotiate with frontier communications, she added they have been outsourcing some work their call center to the PhilippineÕs.

Jim DeCaro IBEW 46, reported they are having a booth at the Seattle home show, meant to recruit journeyman and other electricians into their union. He added they are opening negotiations with quite a few School districts and Puget Sound.

Steve Chandler Teamsters Local 38, reported Mike Raughter was coming on as an organizer on Feb, 27th. Mike is AA sop Stewart at Mckesson Drug and Vice President on their board.

New Business

 A motion was made to endorse Brian Sullivan for Mayor of Everett was made; a vote was held and passed unanimously,

A motion was made to endorse Paul Roberts for City Council, a vote was held and passed unanimously.

A motion was made to endorse Jennifer Gregorson for Mayor of Mukilteo, a vote was held and passed unanimously

A motion was made to endorse Leonard Kelley for Mayor of Stanwood, a vote was held and passed.

Good of the order

Mohammed Khan, from SPEEA announced he was running for city council in Mukilteo.

Jim Smith LIUNA 292 shared that over 1100 people signed up to testify against right to work in Olympia.

Gary Kanter played guitar and sang a song he wrote about our current President and state of affairs.

Betty Welsh, United Way Community engagement Director. Betty reported on the current Peanut Butter drive and reminded everyone to bring I their peanut Butter donations. She reminded the delegates that the letter carriers food drive was right around the corner.






Polagaya Mclaughlin, AFSCME 109

Terry Van Wyck, AFSCME 1811CA

Steve Nelson, AFSCME 1020

Eric Wiseman. AFSCME 1020

John Sainz,ATU

Jason Brock, IAFF

Ron Harrell, IAM 751A excused.

Joel Hetland. IAM 751A

Jason Redrup

Regina Fountain,IAM751F

Denise Strike

Jackie Rae, IBEW 77

Teresa Johnson, IBEW 89

Karen Tegard

Damien Fisher ,IBEW 191

Kenneth Frey

Steve Chandler, IBT 38

Debbie Gath

Leonard Kelley

Mike Raughter

Daryn Wilbur

Al Cummins,IUOE 302

Rick Cunningham

Tony Zempel

Robert Rahkonen,IUPAT D.C.5

Chris Glenn,LIUNA 292

Doug Scott

Jim Smith

Bob James,NALC

Kathy Pierson,PTE 17

Sandy Hastings, SPEEA excused

Mohammed Khan

Susanne Murphy

Kurt Schuetz

David Simpson

Robert Sutton

Jessica Matheson, UBC 70

Charlene Rawson,Wash Tech/CWA

Ed Triezenberg

Betty Welsh



Angela Guadamuz AFSCME 1811 CA

Anthony Thompson 300 Painters

Robin Wyss SEIU 1199 NW

Florence Gustafson SEIU 1199 NW

John Shannon

Ryan Johnson IBT 38

Sabrina Snow SEIU 199