Snohomish County Labor Council, AFL/CIO

Minutes of the Meeting of June 23, 2004


The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by President Chapman followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as corrected. Added to the May attendance was Mike Campbell, Teamsters 38.




  • AFT 1873: Gary Newlin
  • IAFF 2694: Todd Cole
  • IAM 160: Kyle Kuntz, Dave Volkman
  • IBEW 89: Ray Egelhoff
  • Iron Workers 86: Dave Chase
  • Laborers 292: Rex Martin, Rodolfo (Rudy) Zavala
  • Teamsters 763: David Grage, Shari Sigh


M/S/C to seat the new delegates who were present. Rex Martin, LIUNA 292, Gary Newlin, AFT 1873 and Shari Sigh, Teamsters 763





            The Secretary-Treasurer reported that the Board had met and made the following recommendations for COPE endorsements:


            Eric Lucas for Superior Court Judge, Pos. 8

            Pedro Gonzalez, House of Representatives, 39th District, Pos. 2


            Secretary-Treasurer Sells reported on his activities in June including: the Snohomish County Citizen’s Cabinet, NASCAR forums, higher education and housing. Delegates received a written report with details.

The Executive Board recommends that we send the following as delegates to the WSLC Convention: President Chapman, Secretary-Treasurer Sells and Trustee 6, Paul Quaintance. The chair opened it for further nominations. None were made.


M/S/C to cast a unanimous ballot for the President Darrell Chapman, Sec. Treas. Mike Sells and Trustee 6, Paul Quaintance.




Community Services-Suzanne Moreau, Director of the Puget Sound Labor Agency, Snohomish County, reported that the Boeing employees have raised $18.7 million for their Boeing employee fund.. The Spirit of Labor Award went to Jason Redrup, IAM 751, at the United Way Spirit of Snohomish County Awards breakfast. The Operation Shortfall budget expenditures were noted. She reported on the results of the Letter Carriers Food Drive. Also noted was information a 211 help number, UFCW Steps to Success training, upcoming events, the need for volunteers to help at Catholic Community Services, and some possible grants dealing with substance abuse treatment.


Organizing-Paul Quaintance, UFCW 1105, stated there would be a meeting tomorrow. They are working on an Organizing Program for Snohomish County.



            M/S/C to recommend to the WSLC endorsement of Pedro Gonzalez for, State House Representatives, 39th District, Pos. 2

            M/S/C to endorse Eric Lucas for Superior Court Judge, Pos. 8






Organizing Reports


Leonard Kelley, Teamsters 38, reported that he had 45 people come out to help with the 5:30 AM rally with regards to Smokey Point Concrete. The election is tomorrow and unfortunately, 4 strong “yes” votes have quit recently and gone to other companies. He is currently working with Diebold employees at Paine Field. According to them, it is not a pleasant place to work. They have hired temporary people from Labor Ready and Manpower, and are trying to include them in the bargaining unit. Diebold  puts together election ballots for King County, State of Georgia, and several counties in Oregon and California.


Contract Negotiations


ATU 1576, Pat Connelly reported they are in the process of going to mediation with Community Transit. CT has dropped the bid to remove dispatchers from the bargaining unit. There is a desire on their part to change the grievance process. ATU wants medical at the same parity as the IAM unit.

            UCFW 1105, Paul Quaintance reported that there will be negotiations with the grocery stores Thursday and Friday. He gave out written details on the proposals. The union has given concessions, but the employers want more especially larger health care ‘out of pocket costs’ to workers. Cards to send a message to Safeway to “Protect Affordable Health Benefits” were passed out. Doug Rice noted that $18,000 was the cost in concessions to the individual members for the life of the contract.

            IBEW46-Bill Mirand reported that they had settled their construction contract. It includes $3.75 an hour over three years with medical benefits protected.


Other Local activities-None



NEW BUSINESS-No further new business




Eric Lucas, Candidate for Superior Court Judge, Dist. 8 was introduced, and gave his background. He has a Harvard Law Degree and is currently an Administrative Law Judge with the State. His father owned a union electrical firm. He thanked the Council for their support of his candidacy.


Bill Phillips, Candidate for Washington State Democratic Party Chair, gave his background in building a foundation of communication in the 21st District that has resulted in increasing contributions by 700%. He works for US Rep. Larsen and has worked in the mental health field. He would like to put a delegate from WSLC on the Executive Board of the State Democratic Party. He stated that they need to be co-operating with every constituency of the party and in particular, Labor. The party also needs to put people in non-partisan offices, so that they can then have people vote for a public servant with proven track record. He wants to build a party that people are proud to invest in, and bring a message that resonates with people. He was proud to work with Brian Sullivan in the 21st, and admires the Labor/Neighbor program which resulted in  thousands of hours of donated time that helped candidates.


Andrew Drake, 38th Legislative District Campaign Coordinator talked about his work on vote id, and Getting Out the Vote efforts. He noted that he understood Labor was doing its own program, but any who would like to help could contact him.


County Executive Aaron Reardon said he was proud to support Eric Lucas for Superior Court Judge, Pos. 8, and praised Bill Phillips for the great job he has done in the 21st Legislative District. He noted that things were moving fast in Snohomish County. The  goal is to make the Snohomish County the most effective in service delivery in the country. There is a fiscal hill to overcome: the 5 year budget projection indicates a $17 million deficit by next year. As a result they are completely overhauling budgeting process, and ending any budget games played with moving funds over last year. He discussed where they are on NASCAR, and responded to questions from the delegates.


Chris Glenn, State Labor Council Coordinator for Snohomish County, discussed the recent Get Out the Vote efforts. He appreciated all those that have come out for the Labor Walks. There is one more weekend in June, and he encouraged members to turn out. They are walking from 9 AM to 1 PM on Saturdays. Sundays it is Noon to 4. They send people out as partners.



Community Services Drawing winner was Joel Merriam, Sheet Metal 66






From Washington State Labor Council, AFL/CIO


  • 5/25/04, Rick Bender, President & Diane McDaniel, COPE Director, 2004 Labor Roundtable dates.
  • 6/8/04, Rich Bender, President & Sharon McCann, Women’s Committee Chair on 2004 Silent Auction.
  • 6/2004, Rick Bender, President, & Alan Link, Secretary-Treasurer, United Way and Union Community fund support




  • 5/18/04, Stewart Acuff and Andy Levin on Employee Free Choice Act and Voice@Work activitiy.
  • 5/25/04, memo on Rich Trumka, Secretary-Treasurer undergoing cardiac surgery.
  • 5/26/04, John J. Sweeney, President, re: AFL/CIO Voting Rights Protection program
  • 5/27/04, Richard Trumka, Secretary-Treasurer, on petition against the Chinese government on worker rights violations.
  • 6/2/04, John J. Sweeney, President, 2004 Union Community Fund and United Way Campaigns
  • 6/11/04, copy of letter to Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao from John Sweeney, President re: Working for America Institute.
  • 6/14/04, John J. Sweeney, President, re: publishing information on United Way and the Union Community Fund


From Local Unions and Councils


  • 6/9/04, Todd F. Taylor, Secretary-Treasurer, Northwest Building & Construction Trades Council thanking SCLC Sec. Treas. for work on apprenticeship issues.


From Officials


  • 6/17/04, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell on federal workforce training


From Candidates


  • 5/30/04, Mary Helen Roberts, House of Representatives, Pos. 1, thank you for support
  • 6/7/04, William D. Marler attorney on behalf of Initiative 884
  • 6/10/04, Al O’Brien, House of Representatives, District 1, Pos. 1, thank you for support
  • 6/14/04, J. Pat Thompson, Deputy Director, AFSCME Council 2, seeking support for Mark Ericks for State Representative, District 1, Pos. 2
  • 6/15/04, Laura Ruderman, Secretary of State, re opponent’s position on outsourcing
  • 6/15/04, John Kastama, Senate, 25th District, seeking donation
  • Undated, Rosemary McAuliffe, Senate, District 1, thank you
  • Undated, John McCoy,


From Organizations


From Individuals


  • 5/27/04 Louise Stanton-Masten, CEO, Everett Area Chamber of Commerce, thank you to Sec. Treas. for help with Navy, 10th year anniversary.
  • 6/11/04, Jennifer K. Purcell, Independent Consultant, Market Research Services re: focus group on community colleges.




AFSCME 109E: Robert Mueller



AFSCME 1811:


AFSCME 1811CA: Myrsa Montoya



AFSCME 1811PA: David Kurtz




AFSCME 1020: Eric Wiseman

AFSCME 1355:

AFSCME 2753:

AFSCME 2964:

AFT 772:Mike Sells

AFT 1873: Gary Newlin

AFT 4254:

APWU 484:

ATU 883:

ATU 1576: Pat Connelly, Dick McManus

GCIU 767M:


IAFF 46: Robert Downey

IAFF 1984:

IAFF 2694:

IAM 130:

IAM 751A: Bob Neumann, Don Shove

IAM 751C:

IAM 751E:

IAM 751F: Jackie Boschok, Judy Neumann


IBEW 46: John Fraine, Erick Lee, Bill Mirand

IBEW 77:

IBEW 89:

IBEW 191: Darrell Chapman, Jeff Seibert

IBT 38: Mike Campbell, Steven Chandler, Janine Dibble, Chuck Jewell, Leonard Kelley, Barry Lund, Rick Olson, Gary Schmitt

IBT 763: Kenneth Anstett, Bob Lovely

IBU/ ILWU: Stuart Downer


ILWU 32:

IUOE 302:


IW 86:

IW 506:

LIUNA 292: Rex Martin, Dan O’Connor

NALC 791: Bob James

National Writers Union:


OPEIU 277:

PacNW Newspaper Guild:

SEIU 775:

SEIU 925:

SEIU 1199NW:

SMIU 66: Joel Merriam

SPEEA: Steven Bish, Tim Bond, Chris Glenn, Roger Pullman, Alan Rice, Kurt Schuetz

David Simpson

UA 26:

UFCW 44:


UFCW 1001:

UFCW 1105: Nancy Holland-Young, Paul Quaintance, Arthur Rice


Excused Delegates

AFSCME 109E: Shawn Smith

AFSCME 1811CA: Jay Crockett, Jay Fraser, Patty Goins

AFT 772: Kim Mead

IAM 751A: Tom Plummer, Jason Redrup, Bruce Spalding

IAM 751C: Dave Brueher, Hank Getchman, Gregory Powell, Rod Sigvartson

IAM 751F: Duanne Roope, Tina Wilson

IBEW 77: Peg Chrisman

LIUNA 292: Jim Smith

SEIU 775: Randall Downey

SEIU 1199NW: Steve Moll, Mark Moshay, Bob Rommel

SPEEA: Joe Lake



Garth Clark, IAM 751 Local F

Andrew Drake, Democratic Coordinated Campaign

Eric Lucas, Candidate Sno. County Superior Court Judge Dept. 8

Lee Marchisio, Congressman Rick Larsen Campaign

John McAlpine, Volunteer Services, Catholic Community Services

Suzanne Moreau, Director Puget Sound Labor Agency, Snohomish County

Bill Philips, 21st District Democrats

Ed Triezenberg, Pac. NW. Regional Council of Carpenters Political Coordinator

Mike VanQuickenborne, AFT 1873

Richard Wright, 21st District Democrats